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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. The continual overlooking of Kranjcar is strange. If he's done then don't put him on the bench, if he's not then play him. I wouldn't have played Pena today, not his surface and without Jack's industry he'd have been a complete passenger in my opinion. I think Murty changed it because Kilmarnock are decent out wide and our diamond is narrow and would have given them too much space. Still, what he did do didn't work either. You also have to ask when Hardie will get a run.


    Krancjar continually gets overlooked because he's past it.

  2. We don’t have any money. £7m is required from directors over the next 2 seasons just to keep us afloat. It’s unlikely Allen and Murty can get rid of dross and replace it with quality and spend no money. This is easily the worst Rangers team I have ever seen.


    We may need to consider loan signings then. We need better quality players.


    Just looking at that MF today before the start gave me no confidence whatsoever. It had one MF player, a CB, a LB and Candeais whom I think is supposed to be a winger.

  3. Some of us need a reality check. Guardiola or Mourinho could do little with the squad Pedro and MW have left behind which is seriously lacking in quality. Murty never signed these players did he?


    Next month is going to be important as our DoF tries to move as many of these players out as he can & try to replace them with better quality. That won't be easy. Far from it.

  4. I can but i cant understand why king is the only one who has to now buy the rest. Or try.


    Because he bought his shareholding last & put the concert party over the 30 percent?

  5. Why did King/advisors allow this situation to arise surely they could have kept under the threshold and still acquired the control of the club.


    This is what I just don't understand about all of this.

  6. A

    He was ill advised. I was sure most everyone knew that.


    Anyone that knows him or his family know their allegiances. You choose to decide otherwise on a poorly convened interview at a time when it was a complete clusterfuck around our club... and also at a time when it was convenient for the new owners to allow people like Naismith to leave anyway as it saved them money. People like Naismith were nothing but pawns in the Charles Green deception..... yet too many of us try to make everyone out to be the perpetrators.


    My major concern about re-signing Naismith is whether he's past his best now.


    Also why isn't he playing forNorwich ? If he's injured then I think we need to look elsewhere too

  7. Don't worry Gordon nothing would have happened. You're a no-mark Manager.


    When Walter Smith returned to Rangers in early 2007 he had your number & you knew it. Only fixture congestion when we got to the 2008 UeFA cup final prolonged your stay at the San Giro. Eventually you bailed out and got found out at Middlesborough before being allowed to fail as Scotland manager in what were qualifiable groups for the 2016 EC & 2018 WC.


    Truth is Gordon we don't really care about you. You're a second-rate manager.

  8. If you think Dick Advocaat failed spectacularly, you have very high standards!!


    Different era. You have to take into account the money he spent though.


    That only leaves Pedro and PLG.


    Pedro didn't work out because of too many bad results in a short space of time. PLG on the other hand might have been successful had he hung around longer and directly challenged those conspiring against him.

  9. Do you honestly believe that?

    Boards which previously had miraculously acquired all the land around Celtic Park, Lennoxtown, the Commomwealth Games etc. - all of which took well-prepared planning - and you want us to believe that the Celtic board were caught off-guard by anything in Scottish football.

    You do remember that their chairman from 2007 to 2011 was John Reid? The same man who declared that Celtic fans would no longer sit at the back of the bus and neither would Celtic.

    I am willing to believe that when HMRC forced Whyte into liquidation, that was the only part of the story they(Celtic boards) had not envisioned.

    I cannot, however, believe that Celtic boards did not wish to see us seriously diminished both economically and in player personnel.


    HMRC never forced Whyte in liquidation. They forced Rangers into administration on 14/2/12 but whyte somehow managed to get his administrators appointed

  10. The SFA wanted Rangers put into the old SFL1 (now the championship) after getting voted out the SPL. Regan assured SPL clubs,whose budgets were based on both Rangers & Celtc being in the SPL, that Rangers would be out of the top flight for just one season.


    However the one or two semi-intelligent SPL realised that this would not be possible. When applying to the SFL it was apparent that Rangers would need to go to SFL3 (the lowest division), That's what happened.


    Regan effectively misled those SPL clubs.The fact he kept his job was scandalous.

  11. It was nothing more than a half-hearted attempt to convict Whyte. A sixth year could have presented a better prosecution case.


    Donald Findlay muddied the waters at the trial & succeeded in getting Whyte released. For example why was WS in the witness box? The focus of the trial should have on Whyte and whether he fraudulently acquired Rangers. Instead it became all about a load of other issues unconnected with the main issue

  12. Currently, we've got Cardoso, Wilson, McCrorie and Bates, the latter two high on Murty's list, and Wilson has played good enough to be an instant pick. That is four players, Alves aside, for two slots. IMHO, it is more the play before the defence that causes us problems.


    Murphy is a left-sided attacker, so exactly what we are lacking. Whether he is still "any good" remains to be seen.


    Wilson's contract is up at the end of the season and we don't seem to be busting a gut to give him a new one.


    I don't think Cardoso & Bates are of the standard we require.

  13. Teams such as Ross County, St Johnstone etc come to Ibrox, park the bus & play one up front.


    Why do we persist with a flat back four and a defensive MF player ?


    Should we not at least try & look at playing 3-5-2 or 3-4-2-1 or something?


    Watching the game today I felt we never got a hold of the MF early on and we were getting overrun and outnumbered as is too often the case in these games. And I'm not sure we're good enough to play one striker up front with our current personnel we've got.. At least not in these type of games


    Or am I watching a different game from everyone else?

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