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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Let me explain what I mean by progress.


    When the transfer window closes at the end of next month, I hope the likes of McCrorie, Morelos, Foderingham & Windass are still Rangers players. Young players we've developed who have the potential to move onto a bigger & better league than the SPFL. Unfortunately it wouldn't take massive transfer fees to get these players but it shows (to me anyway) we're heading in the right direction.


    Of course we will need more than these players, I don't dispute that but hopefully we'll soon see an end to signing players in their 30's who are past their best.

  2. I have no idea and I never said I knew the answer I just said that I believe that to be the only 2 who could possibly be with us at the next level. To do it we will probably need a rich investor or a very imaginative scouting team.


    I don't agree with your view on DJ. I think he is still a young player who could develop into a top class player for us. I also think Windass & Foderingham are also assets we have got as well as McCrorie


    I do not share all the doom'n'gloom on here. We now have got young players whom we have developed & can sell on. Perhaps not as many as we'd like and not for as much in fees as we'd like but we are now slowly but surely moving in with the right direction.


    And at long last we're beginning to see some sort of scouting system & youth development structure being put into place. Whether it's as successful as we need it to be remains to be seen.


    Overall I think we are progressing but perhaps not as quickly as some would like

  3. I would agree with that. In fact McCrorie and Morelos are the only 2 players I would say can take us to the next level. The rest need replaced for better. That is why I said 3.5 years for John was far too long. I would have kept him on loan this season to see how he develops.


    So where is the funding going to come from to get all these players to take us to the next level?

  4. The thought of Lennon's newly promoted Hibs beating us to 3rd place is truly sickening.


    The board should never made the Murty announcement. They should be trying to get someone in who can cement 2nd place.


    The league is gone this season. All we have is the SC and to finish high enough in the league for a EL place.


    Should the board not be appointing a new manager & allow him to prepare for next season between now and the end of this season ?

  5. He really doesn't. He's an average player, made to look like a superstar in this rubbish league.


    Senderos, Barton, Kranjcar, Hill, Alves, Dorrans, Pena all have a better CV. Even Jon Toral has a better CV than Mulumbu, IMO.


    Mulumbu would do a better job than some of those we've signed. At least he doesn't look past his best.

  6. What's Allen done wrong? He's here to implement a whole new scouting and analysis infrastructure, which he's doing. The manager situation I could perhaps blame him for, in part, but it's not solely down to him.


    (Mulumbu's an average player that is strong and can tackle, nothing more; it's not hard to out-muscle Holt! The only reason they signed him was because Clarke has worked with him before. We criticised the last manager to bring in players he had a personal connection to (MW), and we've moved on so we don't need to really on the personal contacts of a manager with the DoF appointment.)


    We're just looking to criticise anyone.


    Mulumbu's CV is far superior to any of the players we signed who had a connection to MW & Pedro(except maybe Alves).

  7. Indeed, was told before the team lines were released that he wasn't being risked (slight worry re groin) on the plastic pitch in order to have him available for the next two games.


    I'm not sure he'd have made much difference

  8. I do yes. Could be that.


    Maybe that's why Murty won't play them. If so these players need moved out next month.


    Then they need replaced.


    Let's start with Mulumbu fromKillie. He's only contracted til the end of season. Small fee should suffice.

  9. Murty is ignoring carlos players to the detriment of the team.


    If hes not doing it under instruction he should be sacked.


    Don't you mean Pedro's players ?


    My view is that some or all of them want to leave now he's gone.

  10. Compare Pena(who cost us £2.2m) and never played in this country or speaks the language to Mulumbu who was playing for KIllie today. Mulumbu played for six seasons at WBA in the EPL and well suited to our game. Both are MF players.


    Which one looks the better or safer bet to do well in our league? Not rocket science is it ?

  11. If murty is the best manager we can attract then how are we attracting players better than Alves, cordoso, Pena and herrera?


    The only reason we got players of their level is the manager we just sacked.


    Please don't say the likes of moult etc would do better it's been a bad enough dayWeve spent the last 6/7 years proving these type of players are not.


    Obviously the calibre across the board has dropped from what we all expect but the foreign players are as good as we can hope for. A squad of other Scottish teams frees with a sprinkling of youth players to back then up with the old heads of miller etc will get us fourth. Time to wake up and change our ways. Pena gets a far harder judging than windass or john or even Dorans, partly because of the price we paid but also partly because he's different than what we usually see.


    Who's the top scoring midfielder and who has the most assists per game? Is it still pena or has someone over taken?


    You don't see Alves, Pena, Herrera etc in training every day.


    My take on it is that they've downed tools since Pedro left & Murty is reluctant to select them & wants them out the door next month. Just my opinion

  12. PA Sport understands Rangers chairman Dave King has notified Court of Session of his intention to seek leave to appeal following ruling ordering him to make an £11milion share offer after a complaint by the Takeover Panel


    Can he appeal this decision ? Didn't think he could

  13. As said on other thread completely disagree and it's thinking like that that sees us getting beat by Kilmarnock easily. Could have been 3/4-1 if not for foderingham


    Bates is not better than cordoso. Pena should have played at point of diamond before John on left. And herrera should be through the middle with morelos playing off him and out to the right


    Herrera and Pena aren't suited to our game. They're not very good as well.


    Might just agree with you on Cardoso over Bates but Cardoso is poor as well.

  14. Alves isn't really that good anyway.


    He's past his best.


    Why do we continually sign players in their thirties?


    We should be a team mostly with players 25 years old and under all of whom have a resaleable value

  15. Yeah we can keep watching miller windass and John, maybe get lucky and we can watch hardie. As a wee bonus can keep watching bates instead of Alves.


    Wonder how these under u20s did so badly in the youth league when they can provide a backbone that will get second in premier no problem


    Alves, Pena and Herrera certainly aren't the answer that's for sure. The sooner they're gone the better.

  16. Some would say he is purposefully putting out a weak team, he just doesn't realise it cause he agreed with the nonsense miller and wallace pushed alomg with king. Big bad foreigner tried to tell them all to change! How dare he! They will show him bates etc are better than cardoso! Now he's lost 6 in 16 but pedros 8 in 27 gets the sack!


    All this crap coming from the top about only ex players and Scottish people knowing what it takes. Embarrassing if not disgusting, xenophobic ramblings about only our own knowing the way.


    Pena should have played today so should cardoso and Alves. Herrera should start through middle with morelos given the free to play off him.




    Instead we worry about Kilmarnock playing wingers and teaching foreigners

    what it takes to get embarrassed again


    Those players you mention( except Alves who's supposedly injured ) aren't getting a game for one simple reason.

  17. no he didnt. He said yesterday he was only 90% fit, so agreed with murty to sit out


    or in other words as we said when pedro quit, Alves will miss the games until january then go, same as pena and herrera


    the comments were on the back of sutton saying should the best players not play when 90% fit when the game is this important, most agreed


    I hope you're right and Alves, Pena & Herrera do go.


    It 's scary to think the money that was wasted during the summer on these players.

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