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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. I don't care what anyone says I enjoyed that performance today. Yip Kranjcar was slow and struggled to meet the pace but every other player fought, harried and looked like they cared and that'll do for me. At this stage I'll accept players showing passion and working hard, if we can get that the rest can be worked on.


    Credit to Murty he got his tactics right. We created chances and we matched them all over the pitch and few other Scottish sides have managed that in recent years. Special mention for McCrorie, he's 19 years old and a centre half and was the best midfielder on the park today. Happy New Year everyone, I might have had a glass or two already today.


    Agree mostly but we have to get it right in the so-called lesser games. What I mean by that is losing at home recently to Hamilton & St Johnstone.


    When teams come to Ibrox to 'park the bus' and hit us on the break we need to be able to cope with this better than we've been doing this season. Get these games sorted & we'll be challenging for the title

  2. Just about everything about King is unconventional. Like it or not we all need to get used to that. He'll do everything he can to avoid playing by whatever business rules are out there. Sometimes he gets away with it, sometimes not.


    His problem, and that of the current board, is that they've made too many mistakes & bad decisions since they took over nearly three years ago.The fact we're now looking for our third manager in that time tells its own story.


    But the board cannot be accused of not providing funding to improve the playing squad even if it hasn't always been well spent. Pedro wasted the best part of £8m last summer & Warburton was allowed to squander too much the summer before on players who couldn't get near the starting XI.


    Ultimately though the buck stops with the board & that includes Dave King. We can only hope things improve in the year ahead. With a DoF now involved in transfers I believe it will.

  3. Had this been a Celtc player at Ibrox you can be sure there would have been constant reminders from the mhedia about it during these thirty years.


    However because it was a Rangers player at Celtic Park their silence has been deafening. Almost swept under the carpet alongside all other misdemeanours throughout the vile history of this vile club & its vile support

  4. Mark Walter's Rangers debut at Celtc Park was probably the one of the worst examples of racism at sporting event of all time.


    Ranks alongside Hitler's refusal to present a medal to Jesse Owens at the Berlin Olympics in my opinion.

  5. Some whispers say that the 3.5m exit clause money has been met. That would be enormous if true ... and may hand us the money to go for the likes of Murphy, Jones and Naismith ... and still have cash left. Still I'd rather have Saturday out of the way before thinking of that.


    Yep heard this too. If so Windass will be gone.


    And Tavernier attracting interest from Sunderland too by all accounts.


    I hope we can hold onto Morelos. Remember he only turned 21 last summer. If he's still here this time next year he could fetch us a fortune

  6. Judging by the manager situation, I wouldn't hold out much hope regarding lining up replacements. The Killie winger looks as good as Walker (Hearts), in my opinion. Still struggling to see any Scottish creative midfielders though...we may have to go overseas to find one of those.


    This is where the DoF earns his dosh.


    I was sceptical at first about this role at our club but can now see why it's necessary.

  7. Specifically the Dembele situation... it is one we couldn't replicate if we wanted to though. They are paying him something like 35k a week in wages. They took a punt and it looks like paying off. Had we done it and it not come off we would be in even deeper shit.


    They were supposedly trying to punt Dembele to the EPL for £25m in the summer but no one was interested. Why would anyone pay crazy money for a forward who's scored just 4 goals in the SPFL premiership this season ?

  8. That was what Warburton was supposed to do. Unfortunately our support will not stand for some youngster learning their trade. We demand a league title.

    That's why we end up with a squad of overpaid journeymen.

    When we went down to the bottom division we should have played a team of 16/18 year olds. Imagine their experience now.


    Warburton wasn't what he appeared to be. Questions should have been asked why Brentford seemed keen to get rid off him before he came to us

  9. All we can do is try to copy what they're doing. Get young players in, develop them & sell them onto the bigger richer leagues because there's no money in Scottish football as WS infamously warned when he stepped down in 2011.


    We've now got younger player such as McCrorie, Morelos, Windass, Foderingham, etc whom we could sell. Not many but it's a start. And if we get Tyler Roberts that's another.


    What we mustn't do if keep getting players in their thirties who are well past their best & have no resale value. The ones we've had these past couple of years have been mostly disappointing. We must learn from this.

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