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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Like it or not I think Murty has decided Hardie isn't good enough. Only time will tell if he's right or not
  2. Genuinely can't see us getting Tyler Roberts. Is is he better than Morelos?
  3. Ashley has never been in Ibrox as far as I know. I doubt he ever will be so I wouldn't worry about it
  4. If Ashley, or anyone, turned up at the front door at Ibrox and could genuinely prove they wanted to put serious money into Rangers then they would not be turned away because we're being kept going by directors loans at present which is not sustainable. As for Ashley, as I said earlier, it ain't happening. He's getting out of football.
  5. YES - If he wished to invest & could prove he genuinely wanted the best for the club. But it ain't happening. Read my post again.
  6. I actually don't think McCoist is wrong but there is not a cat in hells chance of Ashley investing in Rangers or any club. He is getting out of football altogether
  7. Legislation brought at the request of the yahoos to get big bad Rangers. However the yahoos started to get snared by this legislation and so they now want it repealed. A classic case of unleashing a tiger which turns to maul you
  8. I often wonder what type of individual is attracted to a club whose support openly hate the country they play in. And whose support seem to be above the law as we witness all too often when we play them. Why is this & who condones it ? I neither trust nor like them. I suspect there are many like myself who think this way too.
  9. What are the constraints which make Pittodrie unsuitable for internationals ? Anyone know?
  10. How come we got 5 from Newcastle 3 years ago? ( albeit 4 were injured)
  11. Good to see we're getting players in but I do expect(or hope) a few will depart as well
  12. Is it only betting companies who want to sponsor Scottish football ??
  13. Maybe we'll just get a slap on the wrist like Celtic do every season. UEFA are a joke of an organisation
  14. It is not strange or difficult to understand at all. Since Holyrood was set up & when you look at those now in charge it is self-explanatory. They hate us & favour them because they'll get more votes from them. And to get those votes they produce anti-Rangers legislation.
  15. Cardoso's problem is that it looks like Murty doesn't rate him
  16. I'm always sceptical about friendlies but beating the Brazilian champions 4-2 will do us no harm at all. Only the Scottish mhedia won't like it though
  17. I'd take Naismith back in a minute if I thought he was half the player who left in 2012. Sadly I don't think he is though.
  18. 5,000 UK companies used EBT's. Let's see how many of them HMRC go after. I've long suspected it was a rogue element within HMRC which pursued Rangers. Lord a Hodge is not a tax expert. Both tax tribunals(lower tier & upper tier) found in Rangers favour but when this went to common law courts they found otherwise as the judges probably didn't understand tax law and took public opinion into account as well. It will be interesting to see how this develops.
  19. The most bizarre loan deal ever. Azerbaijan ??? WTF
  20. It will be harder to get rid off some of these players than we think. For example:- 1) Are we prepared to write off millions of pounds of transfer fees paid for these players & if so how much are we prepared to write off ? 2) what about players returning from loans? Do we want these players back? 3) Who would want any of these players & would they be prepared to pay the exorbitant wages we're no doubt paying them? I'd suggest we'll need to offload around half a dozen players first before we get anyone in. I repeat, I don't think that is going to be easy
  21. Happy new Year to all Gernetters
  22. The recruitment policy at BBC Scotland's sports dept has been evident for a few years now. Candidates from a non-Rangers background or anti-Rangers background will get preference. And their broadcasts don't hide it either.
  23. Is the answer not rather obvious ? Same for Chris 'bicycle helmet head' McLaughlin, Jum Spence, Cosgrove, Cowan, etc, etc
  24. He is a basic defender who can win the ball and clear it. Sometimes that is all you need
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