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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Be interesting to see what affect this has on Morelos. Let's hope he keeps his feet on the ground.
  2. Why do the SFA need a bigger capacity stadium for internationals when they struggle to fill Hampden ?
  3. Questions need asked. why would the SFA want to move from Hampden(a UEFA elite class stadium) to the national rugby stadium ? if Hampden's unsuitable because the areas behind the goals then Murrayfield is pretty much the same as well as a running track. Or is there, as I suggest, another reason ?
  4. What if THEY were to move in there? Would Hampden be a neutral venue?
  5. Just a bit of exuberance as Rod Petrie would say. Move on. Nothing to see here.
  6. Regards today, pleased with win but would like to see Murty change the system to accommodate both Morelos & Cummings. Would probably mean going to a 3-5-2
  7. Is he wrong ? There are too many referees in Scotland not up to the required standard We've been on the wrong end of some howlers of refereeing decisions this season. Just wish we had persons within our club who would come out & say so
  8. Tav one of the most under-estimated players I've ever seen.
  9. Nothing we can do if we weren't offering him a new contract.
  10. There are no guarantees with any signing but we've signed a highly rated 21 year old MF player with nearly 100 games under his belt in our top division. I'd rather we did that than spunk millions on players in their thirties who are past their best & mostly interested in topping up their pensions.
  11. Would like to see 2 or 3 going out the door now. Our squad's too big
  12. Please tell me we haven't signed an injured player on crutches
  13. But we weren't 3 or 4 up by half time. We were very wasteful in front of goal. We were never out of sight in that game tonight despite dominating the game. Until we finish off teams like we should have done tonight we can forget about winning the title
  14. Glad we won but what the hell was going on those last 10minutes ? They had 3 or4 good chances to score. If they'd got 1 who knows what could gave happened
  15. At what point does Regan's position become untenable?
  16. Can't blame O'Neil. Not difficult to understand why.
  17. Hamilton need the money. They were victims of fraud not so long ago IIRC.
  18. Naismith is on loan at hertz until the end of the season. Levein is already on record saying hertz couldn't afford him at the end of the loan. if he does well at hertz we may well be interested in him at he end of the season but I don't think he's played enough games this season for us to be interested at this stage
  19. No we'd rather you didn't.....?
  20. As I keep saying if we signed Naismith would we be getting the same player who left in 2012?
  21. Bit unfair to Hodson I think. MW only signed him as back-up to Tav who's best RB in SPFL premiership In my opinion.
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