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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Many of the current problems at the SFA were caused by by liewell & his vile club
  2. Good news. Not seen much of him but impressed v Aberdeen at home last season despite result. First team experience will do him world of good
  3. Hopefully this will be the end of this non-story. Windass has been one of our best performers this season & will earn us millions when he moves back to England
  4. Can't see Docherty doing that. Windass is probably one of the first names on the teamsheet at the moment. After Morelos probably.
  5. Most businesses need some sort of credit facility. I'd suggest Rangers aren't any different. To have had no credit facility at all wasn't best practice.
  6. Windass is turning out to be a class act who could fetch us a decent transfer fee in the not too distant future. Hope that gets understood by some of his detractors
  7. The Hootsman is an irrelevance these days. Another with a dwindling readership
  8. As long as he scores so what ? just shows how far he's come on in a short space of time when we're now expecting him to score every game
  9. Jason Cumming's arrival signals the end for Miller I'd suggest
  10. If Dodoo was at HJK Helsinki for the same length of time asMorelos then I think he'd have scored a few there as well. Dodoo was at Leicester with little or no chance of game time in the first team prior to joining Rangers. I really don't think you can compare their records to date because of their different backgrounds in their careers so far
  11. There are two Hibz defenders next to Morelos. The one nearest his own goal(the one partially hidden) is playing Morelos onside.
  12. Watched highlights. No way should Morelos goal have been disallowed.
  13. By my calculations, in 13 league games at home this season we've scored 20 goals. 7 of those goals were against Dundee & Partick Thistle. That leaves us scoring 13 goals in 11 games against the rest. Is it not obvious where our problems lie ? We are not scoring enough goals at home. That is why I believe we should change our system and play 2 up front.
  14. I'd always prefer to see a player missing chances than one not getting on the end of chances at all. All players have off days. We're no exception.
  15. He had an off day today but I'd suggest he's been having a good season.
  16. Our players need to learn how to play alongside Murphy. When he goes past players they need to make runs in behind defenders to allow him to slip the ball thro. Instead they are all congregating in the penalty box surrounded by defenders hoping he'll deliver an inch perfect cross. Murphy is an intelligent, skillful & creative player but he needs players on the same wavelength alongside him.
  17. I still think we need a system where we have 2 up front because we're simply not good enough to have 1 up front. 3-5-2 is an option which would also allow 3 central MF players, which I also think we need
  18. Don't rule out Dodoo as a replacement if Morelos goes. I, for one, still rate him.
  19. With Regan gone it will be interesting to see what happens next. I certainly don't expect Nolan Partners to be involved finding his replacement this time.
  20. He has been a disaster as Dundee HIV's chairman. No chance will he get Regan's job.
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