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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Tav couldnt handle the spl according to many. Proved them wrong hasn't he?
  2. Where will they train now ?? Back down on the beach with white track suits ??
  3. The same is happening to Shellik what happened to Liverpool whilst Rodgers was in charge. He's an impact manager. Good first season then decline sets in.
  4. Tomorrow we must start showing we can win at home. Six home wins out of thirteen so far simply isn't good enough.
  5. Yes to close The matchday catering ?
  6. The criminal side of the Celtic BC child abuse is the responsibility for the police & relevant authorities. However the football side is for the SFA to investigate if there has been evidence of cover-ups at forthcoming court cases. At the very least they will have brought the game into disrepute. More seriously it will need to be determined whether the club gained any sporting advantage at the times of the offences by deliberately trying to conceal them. Maybe Regan didn't have the stomach for this hence his departure.
  7. I think our current board would have been happy when players walked out on green. I think Green would have been happy too at not having to pay their salaries
  8. Regards the OP, I don't think we'll see Davis or any of those who walked out returning. I wouldn't be surprised if the Rangers board have privately taken this decision. if so I can't say I disagree with them.
  9. I don't think these salaries are too unreasonable. At least they're not Martin Bain type salary & remuneration
  10. I was just pleased to get the three points today because these plastic pitches are a lottery at times. we would be top were it not for our poor form at home
  11. Windass is another player, like Morelos, who could fetch us a much-needed transfer fee. On his day Windass is one of the best players in the league. However he needs to stop disappearing for spells in games. Cut that out & he'd probably be playing in the EPL by now
  12. Are the SFA trying to curry favour with us ? Or is it just me ?
  13. Rather we tried to sign Sean Goss on a permanent deal than Steve Davis
  14. Good news indeed. Easily best RB in Scotland.
  15. You have heard the rumours about the giro dome ?
  16. At least they're now admitting we're the same club acknowledging 2008. Not the brightest are they ?

    Sean Goss

    Looks like a few of us got Seville calculators for Christmas......?
  18. I wonder if Liewell is getting a bit worried now his patsy & ex-Coors buddy Regan has gone. He might not be able to influence things as he did previously. And he may need all the friends he can get at the SFA as there's one or two issues in the pipeline which could adversely affect his club. However I'm sure he's still got the hapless Petrie under his wing. But for how long at the omni-shambles that is the SFA ?

    Sean Goss

    He's 22 and needs first team football. No point in him going back to QPR if they're not going to play him.
  20. Very professional performance today following Fod's early howler. Like to see us persist with both Morelos & Cummings up front. However not convinced the system today with just the two in central MF would work against better teams. However we are on the right lines now I believe. Lets hope it continues
  21. 'What is the actual purpose of the SFA and how does that relate to the SPFL and the clubs' did Liewell actually say that ? any journalist or broadcaster worth his salt would have wiped the floor with him for saying that. He doesn't know the purpose of the SFA ? Or how it relates to the SPFL who are the company who run the professional leagues ? He's sat on how many committees & boards at both ? Did he not wonder why he was there & what its purpose was ? What about the other patsys on these boards & committees ? What was their input, if any at all ? no wonder Scottish football's in the state it is. No wonder we get TV deals worth peanuts & no one wants to sponsor Scottish football except betting companies.
  22. Hence why they had to sell Greg Docherty to us
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