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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Last I checked we were above Hubz & KIllie in the league. And Celtc have spent much much more on their squad than we have. No comparison.
  2. You have to realise too that this is the second time Murty had inherited a failed manager's squad of players none of whom he signed. The only time Murty got to sign his own players was in January this year. And I'd suggest the players he brought in have all done reasonably well.
  3. If Murty isn't to be the next manager then there is no obvious candidate as far as I can see. That's got to be a bit of a concern. The big worry is we end up with another Pedro type appointment i.e. a risky one
  4. ha ha brilliant. FFP from hertz. Where did they get £12m for their new stand then ??
  5. Do as I do. Don't buy these newspapers & don't vote SNP whom I regard as the tartan SInn Fein.
  6. I'm not Miller's biggest fan as a player but I do think he might make a decent manager. He wouldn't be slow to voice his opinions that's for sure. Something we could do with a bit more often
  7. Him & Cummings will be our strike force next season.....you heard it here first ?
  8. I'd be surprised if he went for Moult. However I do think there's more than a possibility we'll go for Oli McBurnie whose contract at Swansea is up at the end of the season.
  9. And Aberdeen only seem to do well when they've got an ex-Rangers man as manager
  10. Did it finish 1-1 ? If so that is a disgraceful result.
  11. If Steve Clarke's as good as some are making him out to be let's see if he's still at KIllie next season & where they are in the league table. I think many are missing the main reason for Killie's upturn in fortunes - Kris Boyd. Maybe not Steve Clarke.
  12. If there is any interest in Moult ( and I'm not convinced there is) then it should be on a loan basis only. Perhaps a six month loan with an option to buy.
  13. We shouldn't be signing players in their mid-thirties. End of.
  14. Unfortunately our recent record in signing players in their mid thirties has been lamentable
  15. Do we ever learn about signing players in their mid thirties who are past their best ?
  16. The manager has to take responsibilty. The buck stops with him. Against CEltc when they went down to 10 men Brenda immediately made a substitution & put on a defender and re-arranged his system. Murty didn't seem to do anything. He didn't get any benefit from having an extra man. That sort of decision making ( or not decision making) should be noticed by the board. Murty should be judged on the same criteria as his predecessors. I'd suggest results must improve drastically between now & the end of the season if he is to remain in charge next season
  17. I think losing twice at home in the space of a week has done Murty no favours. He failed to take advantage of Celtc going down to 10 men & his team selection yesterday with Cummins up front on his own was madness. Whatever the board decide to do they must make up their minds pretty quick as we could be playing an ELQ in just over 3 months time. If there is to be a new manager he needs to be in place long before then.
  18. Don't see anything wrong with the guy dressed to celebrate St Patrick's day.
  19. And it took Murty over an hour to realise this.
  20. What about Morelos who's our top scorer ?? Hardie's contract is up at the end of the season. He'll be off.
  21. I think today was the day that convinced me Murty should not get the job full time. losing to 10 man Celtic was bad enough but today was even worse what was he thinking today about playing Cummings up front on his own ? Cummings can't play that role.
  22. The OBFA got repealed because those who wanted it in the first place turned out to be the worst offenders.
  23. LOL that made me laugh.......are you serious ??? Windass thoroughly deserves this award. He has been magificent this season as his goals & assists record proves. And he is only going to get better. I can't remember when I last saw such an improvement in a player in such a short space of time asWindass from last season til now. Long may it continue.
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