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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. On 14 April 2018 at 09:14, 917 said:

    No coaching academy in Scotland? Have you never heard of Largs, where Mourinho learned his trade & first met Steve Clarke?


    We need to be realistic here. Mark Allen is the main man, & seems to be slowly building a good squad, but only a low profile coach would work under him. We are not going to appoint a big name, even if we could afford to, the only realistic option I’ve seen on this thread is Clarke & even he might knock us back.


    i suspect it will be Murty who guides us into Europa League qualifiers (if we finish 2/3rd) as the statement from Dave King was deliberately vague. We won’t win the league until either Rodgers leaves (to Chelsea this summer?) or some billionaire sheik comes in like at Man City, so we just have to be content with gradual progress. We are a better team than last season, so add half a dozen first team players & we should be well clear of Aberdeen & Hibs next season. Unless we gamble & bring in a new manager who is probably going to be worse than Murty!

    Rodgers to Chelsea ??? ???

  2. On 13 April 2018 at 21:16, MacK1950 said:

    Bates was a work in progress and may or mat not have improved.It is irrelevant now so we must move on.

    I agree sums still being paid to Caxhino's flops is annoying but a contract is what it is.

    What worries me more is the comment of Windass being back in training and him starting v mhanks,a man down right away.

    Windass is our second top scorer

  3. On 13 April 2018 at 16:51, Gonzo79 said:

    Saying you won't match HSV's offer is not the same as saying you'll pay whatever everyone asks for.  Far from it.


    I agree with soulsonic.  It was a poor choice of word to use from Murty.

    Well what was HSV's offer ? If it was 20k p.w. or more should we have matched it ? Or bettered it ? Must have been quite a lot for a player who hasn't even played 30 first team games for Rangers. 


    I'm sure I read somewhere that Bates changed his agent recently and that he was no friend of Rangers. If so I suspect that played a big part in this decision which I think he'll regret.


    Agents advice is bad more often than not. Just ask Scott Allan.


  4. On 11 April 2018 at 00:05, ian1964 said:


    This is the sort of stuff C1872 should be addressing.


    Spiers is trying to imply it is only Rangers who have a problem. Celtc have by far the greater problem with their support for militant Irish republicanism which amazingly Plod Scotland mostly continue to ignore


    But he sees us as an easier target. 

  5. Regards the OP, C1872 should be very wary indeed getting involved with the Holyrood SNP & their 'working party' regards sectarianism.


    It is plainly obvious the SNP detest Rangers & its support because we're mostly a unionist club with a unionist support. And they use this to try & garner support from our rivals as can be seen from various articles & comments made by their plants in the media.


    The OBFA failed because the ones who wanted it most at the outset turned out to be the worst offenders statistically. There is no doubt in my mind its replacement will again be targeted towards ourselves but with safeguards built in this time to protect others.

  6. On 8 April 2018 at 19:39, Gonzo79 said:

    The reason they won't play this match after the split is because of the Timplosion in '99.  


    It is a sad indictment on Celtic fans, not Scotland.

    Everyone knows this but won't say it.


    And Rodgers is getting more and more deluded. The way he went at Liverpool. Good news for us .

  7. The decision not to award the penalty & book Morelos was ridiculous.The referee was made to look rather stupid. 


    Even though the game was over by then I want to see Rangers challenge the yellow card & get it rescinded. It wasn't the only questionable decision made by the referee & his assistants.


    What we're now seeing however is the result of Hugh Dallas being replaced as referees supervisor at the SFA by someone called John Fleming. Standards have fallen big style. I remember today's referee, Greg Aitken, when we were in the lower leagues. I wasn't impressed by him then. Now he's refereeing in the premiership. That says it all unfortunately.

  8. On 31 March 2018 at 22:07, Gonzo79 said:

    Seems to happen a lot with our players.  Goss, John and Martin all started well but have since gone off the boil.  


    We need some players and a manager who know how to win things.  It really is that simple.

    Getting those players & a manager is easier said than done with the money we've got. If Murty is replaced it'll be a similar type appointment.

  9. We are conceding too many goals. Until this gets sorted out then we won't challenge for the title. Those first 15 minutes today we were all over the place.

    Alves & Martin aren't the answer. That is clear.We've conceded something like 38 in 32league games this season


    Ironically we're currently top scorers in the league with 63 goals although the yahoos have played one game less than us. We're it not for those goals we'd be mid table.


    But whoever the Rangers manager is next season(and I'm not against Murty because some of the names mentioned don't appeal) then sorting out central defence must be top priority.

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