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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. 1 hour ago, CammyF said:

    Two pieces of quality and two goals. Not the best of performances, but 3 points a clean sheet.


    Is it worth giving Sima a run at centre forward?

    My thoughts too regarding Sima


    He's 6ft2 strong in the air, can hold the ball up & got pace.And can finish well.


    We need to do something following Beale’s disasterous summer signings. Dessers simply isn’t working up front & Danilo lacks the physical presence to play the lone striker

  2. 12 minutes ago, Rousseau said:

    Cantwell wide right is forced, as PC said in his press conference. He's a #10, or wide left cutting in; the latter was his usual position at Norwich. 


    Matondo is a RW, but again has been injured. 


    We've got very few wide options because we've not played with wide players too often. It's a choice. It's not wrong, per se - although it is an issue now when we want to play with wide players. 

    I’d suggest young MacAusland might solve our wide right problem although maybe too early to say.

  3. 24 minutes ago, Rousseau said:

    Lammers is not a #10. I don't understand why he's continually played there. 


    He's a forward, and - if we're to get anything out of him - must be played there. 


    Although, he's behind Danilo and a fit Roofe, for me. 

    Perhaps I’m in a minority when I say I think there is a player in there regards Lammers but time is running out fast for him to prove himself.

    Hes not a number 10 as you say and won’t get a look in at that position if Tom Lawrence is back fit

  4. Ultimately he’ll be judged (initially) whether he can get rid off Beale’s poor signings and thereafter whether he can recruit the quality we require. 
    He has the advantage of not having to do a lot to better the achievements of his predecessor Mr Wilson.

    One bit of advice I’d give him is to consult the Rangers manager at all times before pursuing signings. We don’t want any more Aaron Ramsey type signings 

  5. 11 minutes ago, SykseyBear said:

    A shining light. Well done Sir. 


    Decent isn't good enough at Rangers. Decent is 2nd place. Decent doesn't get you where this club deserves to be. 


    Squad's 30+ deep. That's the 4th time i've told you that in as many weeks. Loads of alternatives all over the squad. Exciting ones at that. You keep saying there are no other options. God knows why. Is that what lets you sleep at night Gonzo? ffs pal, c'mon man. I told you all McAusland deserved a shot before he was given one, he got it, and has done relatively well. He's been better than what's there. What's Roofe being paid for? Why are we stifling Rice and McKinnon? Why are we playing Cantwell out of position to accommodate Sam Lammers? Why are we still playing Lundstram and Barisic when they are out of contract in a matter of months? Get young Fraser up and in. Play Yilmaz when available. Give Rice a chance. McKinnon. Give him Lunnys place. It felt like we played last night with 8 men. At most. You can't win games with 8 men. Why did we sign Sterling? Where's Dowell? What's young Devine hanging about for? 3rd choice right back, at his age? There are literally so many things we can do to change things up. Excite fans. Try something different. We've got Bealeball under a different manager. Nothing has changed. 


    Gods honest truth Scott. I'd go














    No f*cking about. No lets downs. No crap from the last 3-5 years. Imagine the buzz we'd all get turning up at Ibrox and hearing wee Rice and McKinnon are starting. The favourites are dropped. Roofe starting. Cantwell IN position. Pace on the flanks. That's my wish. I dread line ups right now because i know PC isn't brave enough to change it up. It's the same crap every week. 


    People can laugh all they want. It's my club too. That's what i want to see. The back of the perennial losers. The kids coming through. The season has been shite. I just want to feel excited again. I want to see our manager acknowledge what we can all see. What we've all seen for years. 


    Hey listen, i know it's not going to happen. But you asked what my 11 was. :(


    What's yours Scott?


    King? Sterling?

    this is a wind-up ?

  6. We were awful up front today. Sima is beginning to look like a luxury player & Danilo doesn’t have the stature to play thro’ the middle on his own. Difficult to see how we can resolve this with what we’ve got at present.

    Their goal apart I thought we were reasonably good today against a team playing at home who just wanted to get 11 behind the ball second half but we do lack creativity 



  7. Next up internationals fiasco is the 48 teams qualifying for the 2026 WC in USA, Canada & Mexico ( I can remember 74& 78 when 16 qualified).
    Funniest bit I’ve seen is CONMEBOL ( South America) where traditionally the ten S.American countries contested a 10 team division playing each other home & away and the top 3 or 4 qualified automatically & the next team went into playoffs.

    But with 48 teams qualifying the as I understand things, top SIX now qualify automatically & whoever finishes seventh goes into playoffs 😂

  8. 11 hours ago, alexscottislegend said:

    Would it be anti-semitic of me to say that Israel should not be in EUFA as they are not in Europe?

    Israel are a UEFA member and not in AFC Asia & Australia for obvious reasons 


    Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia & Kazakhstan aren’t in Europe either but are UEFA members. When the USSR was dissolved in 1991 the FA’s of the former republics were given the choice of joining UEFA or AFC

  9. UEFA has I think 55 member countries and 24 of them will be going to Germany for the euros finals next year. Almost half of the countries in UEFA. Why do they need so many qualification matches if half of them are going to qualify?

  10. Perhaps Man City and Chelsea have better accountants than Everton. Or creative accountants. Both of them do sell a lot of players which may reflect in their annual figures whereas Everton don’t seem to. 
    EPL clubs are allowed losses of up to £105m over a 3 year period I believe. Everton was £125m hence the points deduction 

  11. 1 hour ago, CammyF said:

    Thinking back to the game, and I could be wrong here, but it appeared McLean blew for a foul after the goal was scored. 


    It was one of those decisions that would be hard to overturn, maybe explains McLeans apparent late "whistle"


    McCauslands goal should have stood. McLean had a shocking first half. Wrongly gave a penalty & wrongly disallowed a goal 

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