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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Genuinely think the yahoos are a bit miffed about this because they thought Gerrard was one of them & wouldn’t go near us.


    This appointment has given us all a big lift. We have to hope it leads to a big improvement on the playing side with the calibre of players he’ll attract. 


    It now looks quite quite obvious the Rangers board were only going to consider a British manager. MPH & FdB were probably never really considered 

  2. On 3 May 2018 at 21:02, Darthter said:

    Plenty Rangers haters out there.....this one happens to be a politician.  It's certainly not representative of the party or its policies.

    Really ? 


    If if the SNP had integrity(which they haven't) or Sturgeon was a proper leader of a political party then both Dornan & Yousef would have been at least suspended by the SNP by now. Or even chucked out the party.


    this 'smash a ******' nonsense was dreamt up by Dornan as part of another of his wee digs at the Rangers support. It is effectively wasting police time as there's zero evidence. Also his withdrawal from the deputy leader contest to focus on sectarianism was absolutely  hilarious too. A bigot like Dornan ( IRA songs et al) to tackle sectarianism. You couldn't make it up.


    The SNP know they'll get little or no support from the Rangers community so they get their useful idiots like Dornan & Yousef  to try & provoke the Rangers support. Waiting for the slightest reaction then playing the victims card. 


    They are the lowest of low politicians who deserve all that's coming to them. 

  3. Gerrard’s appointment may certainly ruffle a few feathers in the East End.


    The comment from the much-respected Klopp about Liverpool supporting him might upset a few of them who may now fear a real challenge to Brenda who was sacked by Liverpool.


    My big hope for Gerrard is he’ll understand(as a former MF player) that many games are won or lost in MF.

  4. 11 hours ago, BEARGER said:
    Humza Yousaf
    To all the Rangers fans slagging me off for my prediction about Gerrard becoming Rangers manager...fair play!  Got to be able to take it! The banter is the best part. Two words of caution though when thinking of a Liverpool legend taking over your club: John Barnes 

    LOL humza useless caught telling porkies. Nicoliar will be proud of him

  5. On 30 April 2018 at 22:03, ian1964 said:

    Am I the only one who has sympathy for Murty? the guy was asked to take over and is now getting slaughtered! I don't think that is right, I have to say I don't think he should get the job, however the guys has done his best and doesn't deserve the amount of attacks he is receiving! I actually think we should be thanking him for taking this on!.

    Also, does he still have a future at Rangers? he has always said he will continue with the youths after this but is he now a target for so much abuse can he just go back to the youths and carry on after all this? I do hope so.

    He has had to take over first team duties twice thro not fault of his own.

  6. On 30 April 2018 at 21:36, Gonzo79 said:

    Hearts thumped them and Killie and Hibs have beaten them too...then there were the draws.


    Celtc are no great shakes.  When a team drub you 4-0, the first thing you do to prepare for the next match against them is make sure you're hard to beat.  We should've parked the bus.

    Or matched their 4 MF players..

  7. On 30 April 2018 at 20:57, craig said:

    Exactly.  But anyone suggesting that the only reason we got a 5-0 doing (which could have been double) is because of just our own mistakes is in denial, IMO.  We may have been dross, but some of the reason for that is because Celtic made us look dross.  It simply cannot be totally self-inflicted.

    Agreed, but other teams in the league seem to have done much better against them than we have.


  8. 3 hours ago, craig said:

    As dB would tell you multiple times - there aren't just 11 players on a football pitch.  If the opposition don't let you play your game then you look amateurish.  Roma are no mugs but for 70 minutes last week the front 3 players of Liverpool made them look like a pub team.  It isn't always down to just your own players.  Surely by now, we must ALL see that.

    You need tactics & a gameplan to stop ur opponents dominating the play.


    Yesterday ours was more or less the same as what we tried in the SC semi which failed miserably.

  9. This is a major problem for any incoming manager. They will all be using up part of his budget which could be put to much better use


    None of these players would get their Rangers wages elsewhere.


    Moving these players on will not be easy. They are all deadwood.


    However this is one of the reasons we now have a DoF.



  10. We need to be realistic. It is all very well to say we want an experienced manager but the calibre of manager we’d want with a track record to match will be well out of our salary range.


    There are plenty of examples of managers who have been successful in their first managerial role at a big club. Guardiola is one. A certain Walter Smith back in 1991 is another. Any managerial appointment is a risk.


    An earlier poster said on here Gerrard will be back down to Liverpool faster than Souness if he gets the call. I hope that happens as it’llmeans he’s been successful at Rangers

  11. On 22 April 2018 at 21:23, MacK1950 said:

    Each away game is a ballot.

    You are allowed 2 refusals per season and have to let ticket office know by e-mail or phone when you receive notification of ticket.

    Thanks for reply bud.

    How many away tickets would I likely get offered through the season ? Every game ?

  12. First half today was awful but I felt we were vastly improved second half.


    We could and should have scored a lot more than two but again showed our vulnerability at the back conceding a header from a freekick although not sure it should have counted as Naismith was offside when the kick was taken.


    We remain top scorers in the league which some may find surprising

  13. Last week was mostly about individual errors which contributed to at least three of their goals.


    My biggest concern about Murty is he doesn't always seem to take into account how the opposition play. Last week they had four MF players, one wide player & one up front. We were outnumbered in the middle of the park again.


    Today hertz will likely play one up front & five across the Middle. Our gameplan & tactics must be based on that & ensure we're not chasing shadows in MF. And I'd like to see us go with two up front also.

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