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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Whilst I'm not against MacGregor returning can we now concentrate on bringing in younger players ? We've still got too many players in their 30's with no sell-on value
  2. just watch the yahoos giving them loan signings next season....
  3. They’ll be looking for loan signings next season.....
  4. I’m pleased we’ve signed Murphy on a permanent deal. He is a intelligent,creative player who can get in behind defences, something we’ve been lacking.
  5. Daly (& the likes of McLaughlin too) are yahoos in the media whose main purpose is to protect & promote the yahoos reputation whilst at the same time try to besmirch us at every opportunity. And they will go to any lengths to do so & use whatever tactics it takes. After the feelgood factor following the Gerrard appointment & with Torbett in court an old story about Neely gets circulated to deflect bad publicity in our direction. However I think the forthcoming child abuse stuff coming their way involving Torbett,McCafferty and co will prove a bridge too far for them & they’ll stay well clear
  6. Exactly. Looking forward to the Timothy meltdown when all of this comes to nothing.....
  7. Dembele wouldn't get a game for Burnley
  8. I’m confident Arfield will do a job for us but we really must sort out the CB positions as top priority. Conceding 50 goals in 38 league games in a second rate league tells its own story
  9. Worth a fortune for people who neither deserve it nor appreciate it
  10. He’s also only got one year left on his contract at Brighton I think. I like Murphy but wouldn't pay over the odds for a player who is free to talk to other clubs in 7 months time
  11. But how many of their goals today came from a ball thrown into our penalty area? We need CB's who can deal with that
  12. At least he's a player who can go past an opponent with the ball at his feet. A rarity nowadays
  13. It was a proud day today.Renewing the ST’s for myself & my son at the ticket office. I always feel a sense of pride in doing our bit for our beloved Rangers. I first started going to Ibrox in the mid-70’s when my grandfather started taking me to Rangers games. Today I’m sure he watched us from above with pride as myself and my son(his great grandson) followed in his footsteps supporting our great club.
  14. I've even been persuaded to go to away games next season....... ?? still not not sure about this.....
  15. Neither will play for Rangers again. It needs to be remembered that this is the second time this season both of them have tried to undermine the Rangers manager
  16. Unbelievable number of Scottish politicians seem to support Partick Thistle (allegedly)
  17. Hence why the SFA want to buy Hampden & allow them to be tenants
  18. McCrorie effectively changed the game when he came on in that defensive MF role. As per usual we were getting outnumbered in MF again. Second half with three in central MF we evened up the numbers with Killie in MF. It also allowed Holt & especially Dorrans to push forward in what is both their more natural roles. I wonder where this leaves RyanJack ? A new manager is bound to lookat his disciplinary record & start asking questions even if two of the four red cards got rescinded
  19. Credit though to JN for the change at HT when things weren’t working.
  20. We need two CB's for starters.
  21. Today(& the two other remaining games) is an opportunity for all players to show to the new manager that they should be part of his plans for next season. From what we’ve seen this season, the majority of these players won’t be & should treat these games as an opportunity to put themselves in the shop window for other clubs


    I can't see the BBC hierarchy down south being too amused when every other media outlet is inside Ibrox getting all the latest news from Gerrard & Co and the local BBC PQ are perched outside on the grass verge as per Ian's pic above


    Has the ultimate nightmare scenario now descended on BBC PQ with the Gerrard appointment ? The English football public will no doubt want regular updates on how one of its favourite sons is getting on in his first managerial role. And how will BBC PQ will able to provide this unless relations are restored with Rangers? Should be interesting.
  24. Any word from Brendan yet on the Stevie G appointment? Strange, as he’s usually got something to say on most matters in Scottish football?
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