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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. When SDM lost interest we ended up with no representation in Scottish football & the yahoos moved their placemen into positions of power.


    Whilst it’s good to see our chairman rounding on them I wouldn’t build up too much hope at the moment. This will be a long process getting rid off these people

  2. 2 minutes ago, JFK-1 said:

    Just saw a tweet on the forum reporting Pena in rehab. If this guy can get sorted out he could be a helluva player. Impressive goals to games ratio while being a drunk or druggie or whatever the hell it is he is doing. What could he be like clean?

    I don’t think there’s any chance of Pena coming back. The DoF will be trying to get rid off him which might be harder if he’s in rehab 

  3. Disappointing, but as I always say you cannot start to judge a youngster properly until he steps out his age group & plays competitive first team games somewhere.


    If Jordan Thompson was setting the heather on fire at Livi he'd be getting a new contract & going into our first team squad for next season. But instead he's getting released.


    All the best for the future Jordan.

  4. On 21 May 2018 at 20:12, StuGers said:

    Funny how an alleged abuse by an anonymous person at Rangers was the headline news yet an actual paedo at Celtic who has been quoted as abusing boys whilst at Celtic pleading guilty wasn’t even in the top Scottish news on the BBC.

    Also just checked the DR - not a single peep.


    Strange, it’s almost like someone is guiding them on what stories to report...

    They have their placemen & women in the mhedia. 

  5. On 21 May 2018 at 20:09, Gonzo79 said:

    Brendan Rodgers thinks he's the bees knees.  He isn't but by Christ he's had an easy time of it up here.


    It's up to us to put him back in his rightful place.

    The EPL clubs aren't interested in Rodgers because of his failure at Liverpool.


    Both he &McInnes know Gerrard is going to be a much harder proposition than either Pedro or MW 

  6. On 20 May 2018 at 09:00, the gunslinger said:

    If a sporting advantagecwas saught by any club by covering up child abuse they should be expunged from history.

    Exactly. Child abuse took place in various institutions & establishments and unfortunately still does probably.


    But the most important part here is whether it was knowingly covered up and for sporting advantage.


    Celtc BC produced many players over many years who enjoyed success at the club. Had the now known child abuse within the club been dealt with at the time would the club still have got the same success ? I think not.


    Depending on the outcomes of the forthcoming trials this is something the SFA needs to investigate.

  7. Ibrox got rebuilt to a 50k capacity when that was the norm.


    However most big clubs nowadays have a 60k stadium.


    I’m not sure how we could or would increase the capacity of Ibrox.


    But regards stadia in Glasgow I think  there are soon to be other issues in the months/year’s ahead


    And Mr King’s tenure as Rangers chairman may be judged accordingly rightly or wrongly  

  8. Whether any form of child abuse took place at a football club or anywhere else is for the police & the authorities to investigate & the law applied accordingly as a result of those investigations.


    If it transpires from those investigations that any football club has tried to cover up any form of child abuse the football authorities will need to be seen to take action against that particular club in addition to any actions by the police & authorities. 


    Daly is shit-stirring in my opinion. He is trying to imply child abuse was overlooked at Rangers. I don’t think it was. Elsewhere In the same city I’d suggest otherwise over decades.

  9. 7 hours ago, Oleg_Mcnoleg said:

    The impression given is that Shagger’s filling in for a couple of seasons until Kelly and McCrorie are ready for the first team. Proper succession planning!

    Do we know Kelly & McCrorie(GK) are good enough?

  10. 1 hour ago, trublusince1982 said:

    if and its a big if, this guy/boy was harmed at the club then i expect/demand the club get the individual the support he needs. Its not good enough to send him away. Its one thing to not payout but another to not do everything in our power to ensure the guy doesnt suffer long term harm we could help alleviate. He should look at the club in future and think first of the support he received and how much of a family we are, then the abuse. Thats all we can do other than ensure it never happens again and that every other club follows suit and those brushing this under the carpet are dealt with harshly. We have nothing to hide and to shame to bear unless we act like the rest.

    What’s happening here is our old adversary Daly is trying to imply that there was historical child abuse at Rangers.


    Whatever happened(whether it was satisfactorily dealt with at the time or not) it was nowhere near the scale of what was going on in the East End. 


    Daly is clutching at straws if he’s hoping to prove other clubs were as implicated as his own team.   

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