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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Can you imagine a TV chat show with ill Phil, John James & various other loonball yahoos ??? Comedy Gold.
  2. The SFA haven’t got the money for any legal battles. Hence the stance DK is taking just now. And in any case the SFA now have a new chief exec who will want to draw a line under these past few years if he’s to achieve anything in this role.
  3. The alleged £7m will include his signing-on fee & his contract Same as £9m for Edouard Don’t be fooled by yahoos & their Seville calculators
  4. If we can’t beat a team like Osijek we shouldn’t expect to be in the group stages.
  5. Will we ever learn regards signing players in their thirties who are past their best?
  6. We’ve brought in six new signings already & I’ve no doubt there will be more if we move players on. The reason we’re bringing in so many new signings is because the signings made in the past two summers have been mostly disappointing. The ones we’ve made so far certainty look better quality than previously but it’s unlikely all will be successful. We need a more settled squad & bringing in three or four each summers max.
  7. Yes but you know what they’re like......always wanting to talk to Rangers supporters about Rangers ???
  8. The O’Halloran signing was one of the first signs that Mark Warburton wasn’t going to last long as Rangers manager. O’Halloran is a player with pace more suited to counter-attacking teams. Not much use at Ibrox where most teams park the bus. Add to that his heart wasn’t really in it in the first place for obvious reasons & this was a very bad signing which the DoF should block in future all being well
  9. You could have shown the said yahoo the SPFL website which shows Rangers history back to 1872. I do that all the time with them. You should try it. It’s good fun watching their response. ???
  10. The club & its assets( stadium, training ground etc) were sold from oldco to newco as a going concern with HMRC’s consent. It is really that simple. And a new club cannot join the Scottish Professional Football Leagues.
  11. Brenda only plays one striker. Wonder if Dembele or Griffiths will leave ?
  12. Whilst good to see us shift so many ST’s, is that really a good thing because we’ll get very little income from home league games throughout the season?
  13. £240k costs.....BIG WOWEEE. ???? Do HMRC now wish they’d settled with SDM when he offered? surely that would have been a better deal for ‘the taxpayers ‘ Or were the yahoos in HMRC pulling the strings not interested in any sort of settlement?
  14. Perhaps the arrival of a new chief exec. at the SFA was enough to convince the rhats there it was time to go. An incoming chief exec. with any sort of integrity & business acumen could see the damage these people were doing. Regan & Hughes have already gone& McGlennan is going. Next on the new chief exec’s list should be refs supervisor John Fleming.Who is he & how did he get the job ? Do I detect yahoo influence again ??
  15. Pena is a great example why clubs need a DoF who can do background checks on players before splashing out millions on transfer fees, signing on fees & wages. Had the DoF been in position when Pedro wanted to sign him I like to think he’d have blocked it.
  16. He’s past the point of return. No club will touch him now. He’s a waster. All that remains is for the DoF to get him out of Ibrox
  17. The word hypocrisy springs to mind. you can bet these very people would condemn Rangers old signing policy. Nowadays it seems they now have their own policy which excludes others not of their faith.
  18. CP is a cheap construction with a lifespan of around 25 years or so. It will require more & more remedial work until it becomes unsustainable to do so. Regards this £4m upgrade, £2.3m is supposedly on an entertainment system & £1.3m on the pitch so something not quite right here. Why is McCulloch walking around with a hard hat on ?
  19. MacLennan won’t last much longer as SPFL chairman. However regards the SPFL, getting Doncaster out should be the ultimate aim. He’s another yahoo placeman. The removal of all of Liewell’s placemen will be a lengthy process unfortunately
  20. For once Spiers has got it right. MacLennan has to go. There’s no doubt in my mind Mr King has had this up his sleeve for some time now & has decided now is the time to play this card. Whether his timing is right remains to be seen.
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