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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. 2 hours ago, the gunslinger said:

    I suspect hes telling the truth. I also suspect he went out looking to incite trouble.

    If he is telling the truth arrests will happen soon.

    Don’t forget there are witnesses(allegedly) . Have plod Scotland spoken to these ‘elderly parishioners ‘ yet ? 


    I smell a rhat here

  2. On 8 July 2018 at 18:38, der Berliner said:

    Snatched from FF ...

    ID10 said he’s heard strong rumours of 4 being out the door this week .

    Hodson, Cardoso , Alves and Herrera was what he reckoned .


    ... and Sadiq should arrive.


    I think we'll be really lucky to see all four of them leave in the space of a week......

  3. Doncaster & Regan were Liewell's placemen.


    Regan has gone & some sort of normality now seems to be returning to the SFA.


    However the SPFL remain a problem whilst Doncaster & MacLennan are still there. The club must continue to do all it can to remove these two which includes enlisting the support of other clubs

  4. 1 hour ago, barca72 said:

    Funny timing for such a statement, during half time of a WC match and on a Saturday.
    What else is coming?

    All about timing when trying to bury bad/difficult news.


    I hope the club don’t drop this. They must continue with the agenda of instigating change at the disfunctional SPFL.


    At least the SFA are now starting to take some steps in the right direction by Rhegan going & McGlennan to follow. It will be interesting to see if the new SFA chief exec. appoints a new CO. If he has any sense he won’t.

  5. 4 hours ago, BEARGER said:

    Arrived at ground at 1845hrs to discover a hold up at turnstiles, section M main stand. Card reader not accepting cards, told we would need to go to ticket office to get a ticket. Luckily I had my grandson with me, we used his paper ticket and squeezed our way in. Any problems anywhere else ? Good few years since the last problem.


    Was there an official programme last night ?

    I arrived at ten past seven & there was no queue at the ‘cards only’ turnstile at the SJ rear I normally enter.


    However the adjacent turnstiles for cards & paper tickets had very long queues indeed.


    Not sure why this was. Maybe most of last night’s attendance had paper tickets

  6. 1 minute ago, JFK-1 said:

    Yes indeed. Having the cards rescinded does us no good at all in that game. It was a large part of how hubz managed to rob us in the first game at Ibrox.

    Jack should be experienced enough(with his reputation) to know to walk away when trouble starts.

    I’ve no doubt SG will have looked at his disciplinary record last season & will decide accordingly 

  7. Jack got sent off 4 times last season & a new Rangers manager may well decide he’s too big a risk even if 2 got rescinded.


    I also can’t see him playing in a forward MF role either. We’ve got players better suited for that role such as Arfield as we saw last night even if it was only a friendly 

  8. 12 minutes ago, Rousseau said:

    I thought it interesting Jack came on to play further forward, as an 8, with Halliday as DM.


    I always thought Jack was seen as a DM.


    He's got quite a good touch, and passes forward more than I expected. 


    Going by how fluid we were, I can see Ejaria fitting in quite nicely: he can play a variety of positions in Midfield.

    I don’t think Jack will get a game at DM now McRorie has established himself in that role.

  9. Spiers is Rangers-hating pondlife along with the several others  from the agenda-driven Scottish media. 


    To use that  photo in the manner he has done of someone who’s recently died is a new low even by his standards


    if he had an ounce of decency he’d apologise unreservedly to the man’s family but I suspect that is well beyond him. He is a lowlife.

  10. 3 hours ago, Darthter said:

    Re. Herrera....

    Get him out on loan, with loan club covering 100% wages, if he doesn't was to return to Mexico.

    That way he either starts banging in the goals & we get a good, confident striker back.....or some team will pay good money to take him (hopefully)

    No one will pay any money to take him.


    This is why we now have a DoF to try & prevent this type of signing(hopefully)

  11. 2 minutes ago, der Berliner said:

    If only the management had used him better ...  he was time and again thrown in to be the creative attacking midfielder or shadow striker and after his goal against the Scum at Ibrox, essentially vanished totally from the field of play despite being there. Would do very well in the English environment, where he will get time and space for his style of play.


    People will disagree, but we paid next top nothing for him and 3m+ will be a major coup and will help SG improve the squad even more.

    Perhaps SG will get more out of Windass ?


    We will lose both Windass & Morelos at some point sooner rather than later I’d suggest. We need to ensure they get replaced adequately.

  12. Unbelievable. No mention of Torbet and Celtic together in the mhedia reports. But we know how the puppet mhedia operate. They cannot hide this story.


    Let’s hope the SFA new chief executive  ( Rhegan’s replacement Ian Maxwell ) is keeping up with courtroom proceedings.


    If there are guilty verdicts he will need to investigate whether or not Celtic attempted to cover up child abuse for sporting advantage. It does seem rather strange to me that one club can have so much alleged child abuse within it over so many decades & no one informed the authorities.


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