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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. It is still early days yet but the signs are looking good. A year ago we'd have crumbled if we'd got a man sent off after 30minutes but today was totally different. We looked comfortable with 10 men against what was basically just a team of SPL journeymen.

    However I've got 2 concerns:-

    1) the squad is still light. We need more cover in certain positions. CB especially

    2) Morelos excellent start to the season won't have gone unnoticed. If we got a realistic offer could it be turned down ? Is that why we're looking at Lafferty? If Morelos goes he's the shoe-in replacement ?



  2. I always remember the first interview Souness did as Liverpool manager after he left Rangers.


    He spoke of his time as Rangers manager & who certain people in Scotland simply didn’t like to see Rangers doing well.


    Little has changed since then in this backward, inadequate  little country

  3. Walker should be careful what he says. He doesn’t know what he’s talking about.


    Administration & the oldco being put into a liquidation process were nothing to do with EBT’s and tax avoidance. It was because of Whyte not paying over PAYE & NI deductions. The outcome of the BTC was unknown at the time Rangers went into administration. And in any case EBT’s weren’t illegal as Lord Hodge said at the SC. So no criminality.


    Walker should maybe focus on the goings-on at his own club during the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s.

  4. On 5 August 2018 at 20:27, aweebluesoandso said:

    I was really looking forwards to this game, settled done to watch it and within minutes that twat Clancy ruined it for me. went into the kitchen and er indoors looks at my face and says what"s happened now?  10 minutes into a new season and we have been cheated again, fecking sick of it. Oh dear she replies Refs again, she knows the score up there. honestly cant enjoy my football because of the agenda another Sunday spoilt for me.

    I think it was the assistant referee on the far side who got Morelos sent off, not Clancy. However SG was correct to highlight the two violent barges by the cart horse McKenna on Morelos. Were they missed by him ?  Or did he think they were acceptable & within the laws of the game?


    That was bad enough but not giving straight red cards to DomBall & Stevie May just made the officials look completely incompetent & ridiculous this afternoon. One denied a goal scoring opportunity & the other dangerous play.  Both straight reds 


    At long last we may now have a Rangers manager who is prepared to call out these refereeing decisions against us which were all too frequent last season & have started already this season 

  5. 12 minutes ago, cooponthewing said:

    How many times have we said the scot squad have questions to answer re Rangers supporters and our club? I am one of their biggest critics and with good reason (out with the unsavoury psychological profile that many possess) as they seem intent on policing our support differently. Again as many have said it looks like we are being set up? Why were notorious hooligan supporters allowed to wander Glasgow and interact violently with home supporters? Until we have someone from outside to shine a light on the dark corridors of the scot squad nothing will change. I would not trust them to run a bath never mind police a city for their republican paymasters.

    Plod Scotland (or polis alba or whatever they’re called) are the SNP’s centralised police force. They are completely useless.

  6. Questions need asked of Plod Scotland last night.


    The Osijek ultras are notorious for trouble wherever they go. When they went to Eindhoven last year the Dutch police didn’t let them out their sight.


    Plod Scotland it would seem weren’t as meticulous in their planning.

  7. 2 hours ago, rbr said:

    I would take 0_0 right now 

    I want to blitz this team tonight & ram the Osijek manager’s comments down his throat. 

    Playing for 0-0 is dangerous.We should be aiming to beat this team by a least a couple of goals. 

    Last week Osijek look decent going forward but there for the taking defensively. They should be leaving spaces at the back tonight we should be aiming to exploit 

  8. 1 hour ago, Tannochsidebear said:

    You say that Rab and I tend to agree with you, but Radio Clyde has been just as bad as Radio Scotland for years and years and as a commercial organisation are still going and show no signs of ever becoming impartial. I dont think its about the licence fee, its about the scum that work there, and their bosses who approve of them.

    I agree Clyde got bad for a while but I think it’s now slightly better than it was but nowhere near BBC PQ.


  9. Whether we like it or not,child abuse was perhaps more widespread than it was thought to be in years gone by and was found in a variety of organisations & sports including football.


    However the criminal aspect to this is for the authorities to investigate & take whatever action against those involved.


    All the SFA can do is investigate whether any of its member clubs attempted to cover up or ignore any child abuse that took place under its jurisdiction.


    One club in Scotland certainly has many questions to answer regards this in my opinion. 


    I suspect our old foe Mr Regan wasn’t keen to do this hence he resigned

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