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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. 2 hours ago, the gunslinger said:

    Lawwell cant sell him. If he does and they fall behind us in the league he will get forced out by fans.

    Hes not giving up 1.5 million a year like that.

    Looks like they’re about to sell him to Lyon after all.

    Be interesting to see how this pans out....

    Especially after what Rodgers was saying today 

  2. 2 hours ago, JohnMc said:

    Do they Rab? I'm not sure that's true actually. Most nationalists I know are convinced Pacific Quay is filled with MI5 agents spreading interference. 

    BBC Scotland have a number of issues but I'm not convinced they've got an imbalance along those lines.

    In my opinion they've issues around getting working class people into broadcasting and there's a disproportionate number of Gaelic speakers. 

    BBC PQ is full of individuals pursuing agendas rather than being an impartial state broadcaster funded by the outdated licence fee as it’s meant to be.


    Remove this licence fee & many of its problems will be solved. It would need to gets its revenue in the real commercial world as others do.

  3. BBCPQ seems to employ a very significant number of high profile persons from Irish/catholic/nationalist/ republican backgrounds.

    This for a supposedly  U.K. broadcaster seems quite a strange state of affairs does it not?

  4. 8 minutes ago, JohnMc said:

    I've a confession to make, I've met Donalda MacKinnon, and I quite liked her too. ? Never met Stuart Cosgrove though, so I'm not compelled to say anything nice about him! 


    I caught the last half hour of our match on the tranny. Dodds and Thomson were pretty enthusiastic about us, even Rob McLean was complimentary. Surely the BBC can cover our away matches? Why didn't they have someone in Ufa commentating? I also turned on to hear the Celtic score, although the lack of pings on my phone had already told me they must have won. Pat Bonnar and Scott McDonald were the most rational and realistic of the people on the programme at that time, which tells you the level of cheerleading the others were engaging in. When Richard Gordon built up this Sunday's match as being fascinating "for neutrals" Bonnar's instant retort of "no one is really neutral" made me laugh. Big Pat clearly knows his BBC colleagues pretty well now. 



    Donalda MacKinnon is perhaps THE biggest part of the problem at BBC PQ. Research her background & you’ll understand what I mean

  5. 11 minutes ago, BEARGER said:

    They are between a rock and a hard place, all of their own doing. They decided straight off that no other football ground would be used, it’s either Hampden or Murrayfield.

    They’ll try & stay at Hampden one way or another.Murrayfield is too big a risk to take.

    If they left Hampden & went to Murrayfield & it didn’t work out they couldn’t go back to Hampden as QP would have sold it to developers by then as they’d need to repay £16m loans & grants.

  6. The SFA offered QP £2m for Hampden(stop laughing at the back)


    QP want £6m. The SFA don’t have £6m.Not to mention annual maintenance costs. The SFA aren’t flush at the moment.


    So the choices now for the SFA if they move are hiring:-

    1) murrayfield 2) San Giro 3) Ibrox 


    1) would be a massive step into the unknown. A 67k stadium which would only get filled for OF games and another stadium where fans too far from pitch 

    2) as I’ve said on here, structural issues with this stadium in the near future.  

    3) the ultimate nightmare scenario. Begging Rangers for use of Ibrox


    staring into the barrel of a gun springs to mind. Maybe a charm offensive with Rangers chairman might be a good start

  7. On 24/08/2018 at 11:03, Soulsonic5791 said:

    I've alluded to this before, so, apologies in advance for the repetition.


    The questions for me remain.


    How are PQ allowed to adopt and more importantly, maintain the editorial line/stance that they currently take?


    Who has their back? Are they directed from London? Or has Ken McQuarrie's empire building been rubber stamped from upon high, allowed to propagate by design, furthered by his acolytes like Donalda Mackinnon and afforded serious amounts of autonomous latitude in return for something else?


    Given the accusations of bias by BBC Scotland against 'Yessers' and promoting the status quo in terms of UK statehood, do the powerbrokers in London take the view that any mechanism (however seemingly trivial to the casual onlooker) that can be deployed to present an air of impartiality is acceptable?


    Is PQ a law unto itself?


    Was the BBC as a whole infiltrated by a socio-political sub strata twenty or so years ago and we are now in the midst of the ramifications of that with the hijacking of an organisational agenda?


    Or is it the case that as an organisation the corporation is struggling to come to terms with representing a changing Britain of many disparate viewpoints and we as a support and licence paying demographic are just unlucky in 'getting the shitty end of the stick'?


    You could be forgiven for thinking that the BBC is, as someone once famously said, 'a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma...'.

    The reason BBCPQ  does what it does regards Rangers is because it’s licence-fee funded. Remove this outdated means of funding it & you’ll see a totally different broadcaster.

    And it won’t employ the pondlife it currently does

  8. 32 minutes ago, Bill said:

    There's no point simply listing the benefits of the EL. Those are already obvious. The question was raised to consider the situation where we drop league points to the sacrifice of title hopes because of fatigue or injury due to the heavy schedule. I accept the EL is invaluable but I also accept we could also lose the league at least partly because of it. 

    As I said in an earlier post I thought  1 or 2 players looked jaded towards the end of the game today


    It’s incredible to think we’re not even at the end of August & we’ve played 7 Euro games with another on Thursday.


    There will inevitably be a reaction when playing inEurope on the Thursday & going into a league game on  the Sunday.


    But we need to be playing inEurope & need to put up with that however inconvenient it may be

  9. 37 minutes ago, MacK1950 said:

    What has amazed me is "the blue boy frae Copland Road",Gerard has obviously seen something in him and he has not let us down in last couple of games,especially today with clearance that many would have put into own goal.

    It’s called good management. Putting confidence back into players who were let down by previous managers 

  10. Whilst it was disappointing not to win today I thought there were still promising signs for the season ahead.


    But if we make the EL group stages we might need to sometimes expect that sort of performance on the Sunday after the Thursday night EL game. I thought one or two of our players looked jaded towards the end today. Understandable considering the number of games over this past month

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