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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Am I alone in thinking it unwise Doncaster now being on the SFA PGB? Doncaster is the CEO of the SPFL which is the company who run the Scottish professional leagues(or try to). As such should he not be directly accountable to the SFA who are the governing body of Scottish football? Certainly not part of the SFA where his judgements could easily be influenced by his SPFL role.
  2. Moving from Hampden to Murrayfield would effectively be moving from a 50k stadium to a 67k stadium. For what reason though? Most of the time the only time Hampden sells out is OF semis & finals. Now we’ve got Willie Haughey trying to put money into keeping Hampden. something isn’t right about all this....
  3. Embarrassing doesn’t even begin to describe this result.
  4. This is not good news. Genuinely hope we’ve not signed another Rossiter
  5. There’s no doubt we now have younger players such as Morelos, Katic etc who will move on & bring us in decent transfer fees (hopefully) to allow us to then replace them & the process starts again. Whilst we remain in Scottish football the lack of money, sponsorship etc leaves us no option to operate this way. We don’t get the likes of £100m plus per season from TV deals
  6. Let me guess, maybe a club in Glasgow with a dodgy stadium might move into Hampden. How’s the hotel & museum coming along? Anyone know?
  7. If only that were true. Showing anti-Rangers bias is a sure fire way of getting support amongst the pondlife in our country
  8. Sacking a manger after just 4 league games is plain daft.
  9. All countries currently in the EU will need to adopt the Euro at an agreed future date once they meet the fiscal & economic requirements. The only remaining country exempt is Denmark
  10. £105 for the EL is a bit much tbh. For CL yes but not the EL. Just hope we don’t up up with lots of empty seats.
  11. The EU is a political, economic & fiscal union. None of its states can be called sovereign states as they don’t have their own currency.
  12. Did they mention if the CO should look at Christie’s dive that got Goldson booked?
  13. FARE are themselves sectarian with a fascist approach who selectively choose individuals or organisations with the aim of damaging them in whatever way they can. Their selections are often based on the allegiances of FARE themselves. They will target individuals or organisations but deliberately overlook the actions of others, moreso those with a more serious problem than those targeted. An organisation such as FARE has no place in Western democracy in the free world. It belongs inthe fascist 1930’ s & 40’s
  14. I wouldn’t hold out much hope for Plod Scotland finding those responsible. They seem unwilling to investigate crimes properly when Rangers or its supporters are the victims
  15. I’ve not been there since the 1993 LC final between us & Hibz. And I won’t be going there ever again. Glad today’s problems didn’t involve our travelling support
  16. Really? Scotland spends £15bn more than it raises every year (GERS figures). It can do so as part of the U.K. but couldn’t if it were iScotland. Not that bad surely?
  17. Do we play a home league game after every EL game? I’m sure I read that somewhere
  18. The passageways between their North Stand & the cemetery? No big surprise there. One of the reasons the San Giro was initially refused a fire safety certificate after it was rebuilt in the 1990’s.
  19. What is going to be interesting is whether the yahoo compliance officer takes action against Alan MacGregor for his kick out against Ajer. Will he or she also take action against Christie’s blatant dive late on for which Goldson got booked ? Think Mr Gerrard will have an opinion on that. And do he should
  20. Disappointed we lost today but not a disaster. We are heading in the right direction now. I am sure of that. It needs to be remembered this team was thrown together at the start of the season. It will get better & stronger as the season goes on. To have qualified for the EL group stages is an incredible achievement in itself. Both MW & Pedro lost their first OF games 5-1 to the yahoos. Certainly can’t us suffering heavy defeats like that to them under SG
  21. Going with 2 up front is a huge gamble. Hope we don’t get out numbered in MF. And I’d have been tempted to play Halliday instead of Kent who’s been disappointing so far in my opinion
  22. Excellent news but he won’t be here next season. We should already be looking around for his successor. He is developing into a superb player who will go to play at the very top if he can control his temperament.
  23. I’d be tempted to go 4-5-1 with lafferty up front on his own. Morelos can be brought on second half. Rodgers will flood the MF and its vital we don’t get out-numbered. That’s why I’d go for five across the middle
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