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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. These are the type of players we should be signing: young players here to develop & sell on then replace. 

    Like Ajax do.

    Unfortunately whilst we are in the impoverished Scottish football we cannot do anything else

  2. 33 minutes ago, the gunslinger said:

    Will they still be boycotting us just because an ex employee is banned?

    He isn’t banned. He got his press priveleges pass withdrawn by Rangers because of his biased reporting.

    He can still get into Ibrox to cover games but chooses not to do so. As a result BBCPQ decided they wouldn’t send anyone to cover Rangers home games.

  3. We had a 6 year absence from European football until we played Progres last year.


    And FARE start to show up as soon as we’re back playing in Europe. Why?


    They never showed up when we were playing in the lower leagues did they?And they don’t show up for SPFL games either.


    It is clear they have an agenda against us which must be met head on. Fight fire with fire. What is their objective & who is setting it? A higher profileRangers CEO or MD should be asking these questions.


    I’ve long suspected they’re still closely associated with the yahoos. FARE’s head honcho was(andmaybe still is) Piara Power whose partner was a yahoo who hated Rangers & made up all sorts of stories about our support IIRC.


    FARE are the ‘fascist left’ as the excellent DM columnist Richard Littlejohn would call them. Kid-on socialists who are control freaks with an agenda against specific targets they don’t like for one reason or another.


    However if they had any credibility surely they’d be pursuing the yahoos whose support have been constantly fined by UEFA over the past few years. In particular the game against Hapoel Be’er Sheva at the giro dome which should have seen them booted out the CL there & then.


    But I suspect anti-semitism is perfectly acceptable withinFARE given their bias & clear agendas. 

  4. 1 hour ago, ranger_syntax said:

    Watching that game was torture.


    It was clear throughout that we were struggling to create anything.  So many crosses into the box that Livingston dealt with easily.


    The pitch is not an excuse but it is definitely one of the reasons we lost.  We need to learn to perform better on that surface because the SPFL does not have the wit to insist on grass.

    I’d disagree. All teams seem to have players who can adapt to plastic pitches and players who don’t seem to be able to.

    Yesterday,for example, I thought Lafferty struggled & eventually came off.

    I also thought it was a mistake yesterday not having RyanKent on from the start. He’s got his confidence back & is starting to look the player he was at the beginning of last season. That can only be good news for us

  5. 51 minutes ago, BlackSocksRedTops said:

    Said it previously....how come this pitch is completely different from Killie's and Accies? If you are going to have these pitches it should be the same pitch throughout surely?

    These pitches have no place in the top division of Scottish football 

  6. There’s no doubt our summer recruitment has been significantly better than 2016 & 17. It has been shown in our performances so far, particularly in Europe.


    We now have players we’ve bought whom we will undoubtedly get offers for  in the near future & could sell on for profit.Sadly for as long as we remain in Scottish football that is what we have to live with because there’s no money in it.


    But we need to realise it is how we replace these players that will determine how we progress in the seasons ahead.

    Have we identified a replacement for Morelos? Katic? Barasic? Goldson?


    The league is there for the taking this season. The Timz are in disarray. They’ve just sold their best player because they didn’t make theCL.


    But we must endure our own house is in order first of all,


    And that means continuing with the DoF & SG which gives me the most confidence I’ve had in a long time  

  7. 3 hours ago, Bill said:


    Interesting theory but I tend to think the opposite will happen i.e. the yahoos will move into Hampden. 

    When the bunnet took them over 25 years ago he built them a stadium on the cheap which was never going to last long term. 

    It’s lifespan would be around 25 years which is now up.

    The Rangers board should now be asking the SFA who is paying the £19m liabilities due once they acquire Hampden. 

  8. 2 hours ago, Gonzo79 said:

    Bringing the stands behind the goals closer to the pitch is a good idea.  


    Hampden would be ideal if it could hold about 25k and then when Rangers get to a final stick another tier on and make it 70k.  

    The SFA don’t have the money to do that.


    Firstly where are they going to get the £19m which is going to be the total cost of this purchase from QP?


    Or is Willie Haughey now going to own both the San Giro & Hampden ?



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