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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Lafferty needs to make the most of his opportunity tomorrow. I do get the impression SG none too impressed with him so far
  2. Ideally I’d like to see him in a defensive MF role
  3. My own choice for captain would be Goldson
  4. Better maybe but nowhere near the standard we require at LB
  5. I’d suggest two strikers.Punt Morelos because he’s a liability & punt Lafferty because he ain’t up to it( wasn’t first time round either).
  6. We really must sort out the LB position. Presumably Barasic will be first choice when fit(soon hopefully) but we really need proper back up in the form of another LB instead of what we’re doing just now
  7. I’m no authority on boxing but Ricky Burns was protected? Was it because he defended his titles against dud opponents or something? Genuine question as I know little about boxing
  8. Katic’s confidence has gone. Going to be very difficult to get back into the team now McAuley is match fit along with Goldson & Worral. We might need to consider putting him out on loan somewhere in January to get game time & he’ll get his confidence back
  9. If the referee considers it dangerous play he is entitled to gave a red card. Airfield shouldn’t have made the challenge. Mind you Clare’s challenge on Coullibaly in the first half was dangerous play too in my opinion
  10. According to a VB article there are around 100 who are either commencing or considering legal action. If that’s true then this is far bigger than anyone imagined.
  11. Liewell will be asking for ra Shellik to be reinstated......?
  12. I’ll be sorry to see LW go but it has to be said the club were justified in the way they dealt with him & KM.
  13. Every player in our squad has a price. Wes is no different. If Leeds want him they should make a bid & if it meets our valuation he’ll go if he wishes.
  14. Will we need to play at Cowdenbeath’s ground or will it get moved do you think?
  15. Morelos changed the game today when he came on as a sub Scored one & set up another. Not bad for 30 minutes work
  16. I think there’s a very strong chance that will happen. Morelos has been magnificent so far this season
  17. Any comments from nil-by-mouth on this ? or does it need to be yahoos or yahoo players on the receiving end ? or FARE? (Stop laughing at the back)
  18. Club chairmen won’t speak out. Remember 2012. Won’t risk boycotts
  19. The new SKY deal is crap compared to other deals whatever way you look at it. Does no one within Rangers have an opinion of it ?
  20. How much longer will the guillible yahoos believe Liewell over this?
  21. If that’s true Doncaster should be sacked. Utter peanuts of a deal
  22. Nothing to do with holyrood. It’s for the law courts to determine the criminality. And for the SFA(eventually) to deal with the football aspect of all this I.e. the role played by a member club
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