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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. 21 minutes ago, Gonzo79 said:

    Is it just me or are the people who get most upset by nasty songs the same people who don't go to the football very often.  


    Phil McMadeUpName is a good example. 


    Great rendition of TBB today.  

    They don’t get upset. They want to hear our ‘nasty’ songs because they think it gives them ammunition.


    The problem these people have though is they think it’s perfectly okay for them to sing their own ‘nasty’ songs but think we should be punished for ours. 


    This is why SL would never work in Scotland. Impartiality is impossible. You need only look at the Compliance Officer to see what I mean.

  2. 5 hours ago, craig said:



    Those who continue to sing the songs are the ones doing Lawwell's bidding.  You only need look at how Celtic kept their head below the parapet last week as soon as Clarke piped up.  If Rangers fans don't sing at Clarke, the spotlight could rightly be focused on Celtic.


    And before you say "But nobody has hauled them up over it" - that's the point.  If we don't sing our choice words then the focus COULD be shone on them - the fact we shoot ourselves in the foot means we will always highlight ourselves - it is completely self-defeating.


    The focus could never ‘be Shone on them’ because they have all their placemen in the media & media organisations to prevent this happening.



  3. It is a good interview with JT which shows the problems we’ve got with BBC PQ. 


    I’d suggest it is mostly the pond life employed at PQ that are the problem & their personal anti Rangers agendas 


    Might be best to impose a complete ban on BBCPQ altogether. That might get their hierarchy down south involved which would hopefully result in the removal of certain individuals responsible for the current status quo

  4. 24 minutes ago, MacK1950 said:

    We have to look at things in maybe a bit differently,I agree that segregation in schools is wrong in the same way that I think religious teachings do not belong in schools but regards the sectarian issue I believe it is highlighted by football,especially Rangers and Celtic.

    I have had many friends who are Catholic who enjoyed going out to listen to the bands when the Orange Order were marching because they liked the tunes,many of them being hymns,but with the pavement followers dressed in Rangers wear thins are now different.Personally I no longer go to watch the parades because of these "followers",but my wife and one of my boys still do so.

    Over the years that I have followed Rangers(1962-present) there have been spells of noxious songs which today seem to be not as bad as some periods but none the less do not have a place in the modern world.

    It is not a hard ask to have the singing section to "tone down" on the sectarian songs and then sanity could follow.

    The last sentence could also apply to the singing at castle doom.


    There is absolutely no chance of changing anything at ‘castle doom’. 


    So they get their useful idiots in the mhedia(and Steve Clarke too) to over-exaggerate every single incident involving us whilst ignoring their own much bigger problem

  5. 52 minutes ago, cooponthewing said:

    Let’s start with not segregating children at school. Schooling children to believe they are different and superior due to their religion is never a good start. 

    Faith schools are a contributing factor.

    But the biggest problem is Celtic FC & the militant Irish Republicanism amongst elements of its support which the Celtic board overlook

  6. 31 minutes ago, Rick Roberts said:

    Thanks guys.


    Hopefully it captures the madness that's being allowed. Cant help but think we'll look back on it and ask how was that even allowed to happen? 



    It has been allowed to happen because We’ve now had 3 CO’s whose allegiances are there for all to see.


    As I originally understood the powers of the CO were to cite incidents of violence or simulation unseen by the referee & to rescind red cards on appeal. Nothing more. Now we’ve had the current CO ruling on incidents the referee has clearly seen. 


    And then there’s the subject of which incidents are selected for review by the CO & which aren’t. My first paragraph explains this clearly 


    Corruption in Scottish football?

    YEP.Absolutely. But don’t bank on too much support from other clubs who don’t want to upset Celtic for obvious reasons 

  7. 1 minute ago, cooponthewing said:

    Davis is worse than a man short. His legs have gone so hopefully we won’t have to rely on him? Arfield is the man that really makes us tick.

    Davis is finished. I was dead against bringing him back last month. We really must stop signing players in their mid-thirties other than keepers maybe.


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