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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. They don’t get upset. They want to hear our ‘nasty’ songs because they think it gives them ammunition. The problem these people have though is they think it’s perfectly okay for them to sing their own ‘nasty’ songs but think we should be punished for ours. This is why SL would never work in Scotland. Impartiality is impossible. You need only look at the Compliance Officer to see what I mean.
  2. Some players are more susceptible to injury than others on these pitches. That’s one of the problems with them
  3. If he wants to go back to the EPL he has no choice other than to go when asked.
  4. The focus could never ‘be Shone on them’ because they have all their placemen in the media & media organisations to prevent this happening.
  5. As I said at the start, if we did sign Shinnie I think he’d play at LB
  6. It is a good interview with JT which shows the problems we’ve got with BBC PQ. I’d suggest it is mostly the pond life employed at PQ that are the problem & their personal anti Rangers agendas Might be best to impose a complete ban on BBCPQ altogether. That might get their hierarchy down south involved which would hopefully result in the removal of certain individuals responsible for the current status quo
  7. Anyone else heard he’s signed or about to sign a pre-contract with us? If he does sign for us then I’d presume he’d play LB & Barasic would get punted
  8. There is absolutely no chance of changing anything at ‘castle doom’. So they get their useful idiots in the mhedia(and Steve Clarke too) to over-exaggerate every single incident involving us whilst ignoring their own much bigger problem
  9. Dornan is a Rangers-hating bigot who is in denial that the militant Irish republicanism associated with the club he supports is the biggest problem we have. He seeks any opportunity he can get to portray Rangers in a bad light to deflect the above issue away from Celtc
  10. Spiers just looks stupid now. In a week where Kris Boyd got sectarian abuse and a coin thrown at him by the yahoo hordes as well as the rioting in Spain you’d think any semi-intelligent person will an agenda like him would keep quiet. And have Celtic offered Kris Boyd any apology yet ??
  11. SKY should sack Walker if he said that.
  12. Has there been an apology to Kris Boyd from Separate Entity FC?
  13. Faith schools are a contributing factor. But the biggest problem is Celtic FC & the militant Irish Republicanism amongst elements of its support which the Celtic board overlook
  14. Sectarianism will never be eradicated from Scottish football until Celtic face up to the fact it is they who have the biggest problem. Not us.
  15. What was worse this week - a chant towards Steve Clarke or Celtic supporters rioting in Spain ?
  16. Any of the three names released yet? My money’s on Connor, Declan & Gerald
  17. It has been allowed to happen because We’ve now had 3 CO’s whose allegiances are there for all to see. As I originally understood the powers of the CO were to cite incidents of violence or simulation unseen by the referee & to rescind red cards on appeal. Nothing more. Now we’ve had the current CO ruling on incidents the referee has clearly seen. And then there’s the subject of which incidents are selected for review by the CO & which aren’t. My first paragraph explains this clearly Corruption in Scottish football? YEP.Absolutely. But don’t bank on too much support from other clubs who don’t want to upset Celtic for obvious reasons
  18. There is no clarity on the disciplinary process in Scottish football. He needs to start by asking the SFA who selects the incidents which the Compliance Officer passes judgement on. And why some clubs such as ours get selected more than others for incidents in our games whereas similar incidents in other games get overlooked
  19. It would be best for everyone to draw a line under the Easdales & their time at Rangers. Getting rid off them as shareholders would achieve that.
  20. With all due respect, I wouldn’t say Halliday is Rangers class either
  21. Davis is finished. I was dead against bringing him back last month. We really must stop signing players in their mid-thirties other than keepers maybe.
  22. Until we get shot off the third yahoo compliance Officer in a row then we’ll continue to see refereeing like we saw at Kilmarnock today.
  23. Brown & Broadfoot we’re either both yellow cards or both red cards. Dreadful refereeing from Madden. Never mind I’m sure Bridget Theresa the Compliance Officer will sort it out.
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