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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Just now we can only speculate who we’ll get for next season. Nothing officially confirmed as far as I can see. 


    But I’m sure we’ll be watching over the east end too. Especially who their manager will be & who they sign as I think there are ongoing issues behind the scenes over there.


    Am I the only one who thinks it rather odd they seemed to be offering new contracts to lustig & bitton? And who could forget Brendan’s remark they couldn’t afford Burke? 


    I’m sure we’ll make further progress again next season with the right signings. But I reckon our manager,DoF & board will be watching them with interest...

  2. Disappointed we lost today but realistically the league was gone a few weeks ago.


    Our domestic problem this season hasn’t been the yahoos but Sheep, Killie &  Hibz. We’ve played them all in total 15 times I believe this season so far & just won 3 times.We need to start winning a lot more of these games.


    The yahoos games take care of themselves. The 3 games against them this season has shown the gap has narrowed significantly. We will be ready for them next season I’m sure


  3. 1 hour ago, 917 said:

    I must be missing this Shinnie who plays left back. Is that his brother? The Aberdeen Shinnie is a combative central midfielder, somebody who might not let opponents bully and take the push the way our current midfielders do. We need leaders. I would take Shinnie, McKenna & Ferguson from the sheep. The fact Shinnie hasn’t announced who he’s signing for yet, only fuels rumours he has agreed a pre contract with us. But we’ll see.

    Graeme Shinnie played LB for Inverness b4 he signed for Aberdeen.

    He initially played LB for Aberdeen b4 being moved into MF.

    He allegedly wants to play LB

  4. 26 minutes ago, Gonzo79 said:

    Gerrard seems to have a similar tactical mindset to Warburton. 4-3-3 is the be all and end all.


    Unsurprisingly, the success rate is also very similar.  

    SG needs to realise playing one up front is fine in Europe or against the yahoos.

    In all other domestic games we should have two up front which would mean 4-4-2 or 3-5-2 

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