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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. 1 hour ago, der Berliner said:


    Dunno, his stats are satisfactory, given that he was not always used as a striker ...




    ... and he was most successfull when used as a striker;



    Look at how he was successful at Dundee & Killie. Unsuccessful at Aberdeen & Birmingham.

  2. Billy MacNeill was one of very few people from Celtic I had any respect for.

    I was genuinely saddened to hear of his death.


    But the standards the likes of him and Tommy Burns upheld at Celtic disappeared long ago.


    I genuinely wonder what the both of them really would think of modern day Celtic with Lennon as manager & Griffiths and Brown around the place.

  3. 1 hour ago, ian1964 said:

    Thing is he has missed a lot of football yet played well again, he is still raw but he certainly has potential and scored a good goal 

    Katic was magnificent. No he isn’t the greatest on the deck & his distribution isn’t the best but he’s strong in the tackle & almost unbeatable in the air.


    I’d suggest if he’d played against the yahoos last month we wouldn’t have lost. No way would Edourde have got their first goal running from the halfway line unchallenged 

  4. 29 minutes ago, Stevie - 4lads Blog said:

    Tim Klose Norwich CB Bosman 


    Light speculation at the moment that we are keen - trying to firm it up 


    Couple of other names also beginning to crop up but will add in when they become ‘firmer ‘ 

    Hopefully not true. Klose is  31 next month.

    We should be looking at younger players whom we can develop & sell on.

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