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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. We’re the Belgians singing any naughty songs ? ??
  2. Thought the SFA chairman had to be associated with a member club? When did this change?
  3. Petrie should focus on sorting out his own vile club first before commenting on others
  4. Who is staying away? I genuinely believe Scotland don’t have the numbers in their support they once had. Myself & my 16 year old son are Rangers ST holders. When I was his age I attended Rangers & Scotland home games. He (& his pals too who are Rangers supporters) have absolutely no interest whatsoever in Scotland games. On Friday night he & a few pals went to the cinema when Scotland were playing Russia in what was an important game for Euro 2020 qualification. Changed days indeed & I’d suggest this is very commonplace amongst the younger RANGERS support
  5. I read the attendance last night was just 32,000? Is that correct? If so that’s a very poor attendance for a very important game against a side who reached the WC QF’s last year
  6. Few, if any, out of contract at the end of the season will get new deals I’d have thought
  7. Signing Kent is great news but I still wonder about some of the summer signings. Only one started yesterday.
  8. If Kent is signing then that is absolutely fantastic news. We need better quality inside areas than we’ve currently got. Pity we didn’t have him yesterday
  9. Or how about giving Grezda another chance?
  10. I’d have thought Jones getting himself sent off in injury time was not the most significant of our problems yesterday.
  11. I think we’ll be trying to offload players only. Can’t see any more arrivals.
  12. Kent mostly played wide left last season. We seem to have recruited two players to replace him this season in that role i.e. Jones & Barker. Are either of them as good as or better than Kent? Don’t think so
  13. He may well have wanted to leave if he wasn’t getting game time but he shouldn’t have been allowed to leave unless we were sure we had a replacement
  14. There were too many basic errors including the mistake by Goldson for their first goal
  15. I think there also has to be a concern about the summer signings. About 10 signings & only 1 started today. And I think letting Candeias leave & not having a suitable replacement could come back to haunt us too. Just not convinced about Ojo.
  16. Helander looks slow to me. Frankly some of the others you mentioned aren’t good enough & should be moved on(if possible)
  17. Kent & Candeias are gone. Trying to replace them with the likes of Jones & Stewart won’t work. Not sure about Ojo either
  18. Like the signings Warburton made in summer 2016. Few got in the starting eleven
  19. Neil Lennon who once referred to Rangers as ‘orange b@@@@@@‘ is talking about sectarianism ???
  20. Is there anyone left in our support who doesn’t think FARE are out to get Rangers? They are working to an agenda set by our enemies. In 2012 there were individuals & organisations trying to close Rangers down. They haven’t gone away. Some of us need to realise that.
  21. More needs to be done about FARE and their accountability. Who decides games they attend & is this with the consent of UEFA ? Who are the people they send to games & their backgrounds? Do UEFA validate any reports they send after games? Who is funding FARE? FARE are a secretive organisation with agendas against selected clubs. They are cowards who will not reveal the identity of their ‘match reporters’. There is no place in the 21st century for KGB-type spying organisations in football or any other sport . Discipline must come from UEFA only in order to be seen as impartial
  22. Michael Stewart the failed SNP MP candidate ??????? He needs to get his blinkers off The SNP aren’t an anti-British, anti-English party are they Michael?
  23. Even if we did get a meeting with him I’d doubt very much if he would reveal much about his secretive organisation
  24. I don’t think there’s any chance FARE would meet us. To me they’re a secret, sinister organisation who operate in a similar way to the stasi & KGB used to do by spying on specific people & organisations. Their accountability should concern everyone. I would however like to see the club enter dialogue with UEFA to determine what their relationship with FARE is and specifically who decides what games they attend. We need to know who these people at games are & who they are accountable to. So little seems to be known about FARE & who is funding them. Football must have openness & transparency. If not then things could turn very nasty indeed.
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