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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. The salt’n’sauce derby ?
  2. I tried to book Porto on the day trip last night & couldn’t log on. Maybe just as well. Understand also Porto face stadium closure for Rangers game?
  3. As I said in my post I think it will take another Hysel type disaster to change things. I don’t think governments are at all in agreement with UEFA/FIFA. The ongoing corruption investigations proves that
  4. A good win today after a very disappointing first half where we could easily have gone in at half time behind. I still think we’re struggling to break down packed defences but hopefully a fully fit Kent will go some way to sorting that out.
  5. We need more creativity in the final third. Ojo and Aribo have just been passengers in the first half
  6. Is Katic injured ? Anyone know the situation? FWIW I always thought him, Grezda & Barasic we’re Mark Allen signings, not Gerard’s. Maybe that’s part of the problem
  7. UEFA and FIFA have always resisted government interference in football saying football ball can police itself. Well it can’t. The evidence is there for all to see. We can see UEFA consider words in songs/chants to be a more serious offence than idiots setting off pyrotechnics which could potentially kill others. This is madness. Is it going to take another heysel type disaster for UEFA to be forced to change their priorities?
  8. Tav’s penalty duties over now IMO. Morelos or Defoe now
  9. Great win tonight. Much better first half than second half. Really do think we need to think about making substitutions a bit earlier. Both airfield & Kamara looked jaded & should have come off earlier than they did
  10. Oldco has been in a liquidation process since 2012. Its assets(club, stadium, training ground etc)have been sold off and it is essentially an empty corporate shell which will eventually be wound up(unless Mr King decides to buy it for whatever reason)
  11. Sad news indeed today. Fernando will never be forgotten by us. RIP Fernando
  12. Top priority should be to rehouse the ticket office away from those old portacabins
  13. Written by Marcelo Mega. He’s hoping to implicate other Scottish clubs so as to make it look as if it was more than just his beloved yahoos
  14. Did we under-estimate livi? They’re about fourth best team in Scotland at the moment IMO. Better than hertz & hibz.
  15. Imperative we get the right person for the DoF position though.
  16. No but I doubt he’d have hired Pedro & we’d have wasted millions on Pena & the other Mexican whose name I cannot remember.
  17. Disappointed to hear that news. It was no coincidence we improved on & off the park after he arrived. He will be difficult to replace.
  18. I don’t understand these rules. Russian RB Fernandes is a Brazilian who took out Russian citizenship & now plays for the national team.
  19. The rumblings of discontent in SNP-run Scotland are well underway as we’ve seen these last few weekends....
  20. In years gone by Rangers supporters made up the majority of the Scotland support. Nowadays I think they’ve deserted the National side almost completely hence the poor attendances. At some point the SFA are going to have to address that issue. Appointing Petrie as SFA chairman was not a step in the right direction
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