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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Morelos was magnificent but let’s give credit to others too.


    That’s possibly the best I’ve seen from Helander & Barasic in a Rangers shirt.


    McGregor was Mr Reliable as usual and Davis, Kamara & Jack played their part too.And good to see Kent back.


    Only wee criticism I’ve got is I’m still not 100 percent convinced about Aribo & Ojo. When they came on I thought our performance dropped a little 

  2. We’ve only lost 6 goals in 9 league games so far which isn’t the worst by any means. And at least a couple were very preventable.


    However for me the key question now is who drops out now Ryan Kent is almost back. I think most would expect Ojo ( and I wouldn’t disagree) but I wonder if SG might be tempted to play them both? 

  3. 1 minute ago, ian1964 said:

    The ref was absolutely shocking today, nothing new there & tbh I expect it now. Before you all jump on saying the ref didn't influence the match, he did, they do.

    Nothing to do with how poor we were, but the standard is terrible

    I thought he let Ichpeazu away with too many fouls before he eventually booked him. But that doesn’t excuse for our below par performance 

  4. 58 minutes ago, BEARGER said:

    You have gone off at a tangent here. I’m in no way questioning Rangers statement or motive. I just wonder why the boys parents did not pursue the matter with the police.

    Yes this seems very strange to me.

    Mine are grown up now but if it were my kids that would be my first consideration 

  5. We all know at one of the Glasgow football clubs there was a paedophile problem which went on for decades. It wasn’t Rangers.

    Maybe Daly should concentrate his efforts over the East End. Plenty more there I’d have thought. Maybe even more than we already know 


  6. 9 hours ago, the gunslinger said:

    The SFA were the ones who kept us alive. 

    Looking back now yes it seemed that way. The SPL however were another matter. And the SFL defied the SFA by putting us in the bottom division 

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