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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. 20 hours ago, 26th of foot said:

    FARE have provided reports this season that has seen UEFA close 6,000 seats at Ibrox over two group games in the Europa Cup. The cost to our club is circa £200,000.


    Sean Huddleston could have been the FARE representative penning those reports.


    Sean is born and bred in West Belfast, his tertiary education appears to have been conducted in Scotland. Sean has been a season ticket holder at Sellik Park for five years, and a shareholder these last three. Further, Sean has been a volunteer worker at ra Sellik museum and visitor centre for six years.His social media pages also mention his position as an established writer on the Celtic Underground.


    Someone should ask Stuart Cosgrove if FARE have an objectivity problem? 

    Sean Huddleston,I believe, is currently a history teacher at Park Mains HS in Erskine, the school my son used to attend. He remembers him

  2. Both FARE and UEFA need sorted out by politicians & governments. They are both rotten & corrupt to the core. 


    As for Scott Brown singing about ‘fuck the huns’ maybe he shouldn’t then be too surprised when he attracts the attention of halfwits goading him of his sister’s death from cancer. Brown’s never struck me as one of the more intelligent footballers of his generation & frequently proves it

  3. I’ve been disappointed with our management response to yesterday’s game. 

    Can you imagine Lennon’s response if they’d lost to an offside goal, a penalty which should have been re-taken & denied at least one further penalty?

    The harsh reality in Scottish football is that dignified silence gets you nowhere

  4. Hard to take today. We can point to refereeing mistakes today but we really must start scoring more goals against the yahoos.

    In the 6 OF games since SG became Rangers manager we’ve scored just 4 goals and a striker has yet to score. That needs to change



  5. Back in 2015 when DK & T3B took over I genuinely wondered if they were in it for the long haul as these were not young men taking over Rangers. They were men mostly in their 60’s & 70’s. 


    I think we’ll now start to see new additions to board being of a younger generation.


  6. 9 minutes ago, Gonzo79 said:

    Must be loads of folk getting injured in the toilets of the Broomloan and Govan stands during half-time, at most home matches then. 


    I love how foreign fans can piss in the street, in plain view of the Police and set off multiple flares, unhindered but when a Rangers fan says one naughty word, within earshot of PCPlod, he'll get lifted.


    Says more about Polis Alba(or whatever they’re called) than anything else in my opinion

  7. 8 hours ago, ian1964 said:


    There’s a GE in a fortnight & Mason is trying to secure the yahoo vote who no longer vote SLAB.


    Any Rangers supporter voting SNP should realise that they are the tartan Sinn Fein. They hate us


    Show me any SNP politician who supports Rangers

  8. 59 minutes ago, der Berliner said:


    Methinks at the time it was explained that HMRC will probably have send him their demands, although it was said that they have a certain allowance period anyway. They would then send a few demands and after 6 months or so, they would arrive in force and person, which they did. That was essentially roundabout the time he declared admin.


    Whether that was the case, I assume it will be very hard to prove that HMRC acted deliberately. What begs the question though is the demand remarked upon in the article I posted above, where he had enforcers seemingly chasing before he even set a foot inside Ibrox. And if that  was the case, why did no-one at HMRC made this public or came to him during his first few days of his ill-fated reign? Those are questions that spring immediately to mind and without being an investigative mastermind ...


    HMRC acted mysteriously throughout Whyte’s term of office at Rangers.

    However I’m sure BDO will do all they  can to get answers...

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