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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Great performance & result last night. Only one wee complaint is we should have scored more, especially when they went down to 10 men.
  2. Surprised to hear this. Our turnstiles(78-82 SJR) were empty 20 mins b4 KO
  3. Sean Huddleston,I believe, is currently a history teacher at Park Mains HS in Erskine, the school my son used to attend. He remembers him
  4. Looks like FARE’s mask has slipped at last. We’ve known all along that this vile, secretive organisation is filled with hate-filled, Rangers-hating yahoos with an agenda against Rangers. They kid on they’re anti-racist but now we see they’re racist themselves by employing this sort of pond life. How many others like this have they got? And spare me the ‘junior employee ‘ nonsense. ? The Rangers board must advise UEFA that these Rangers-hating, racists are no longer welcome at Ibrox for European games. And the SFA must act too (for once) in support of one of its foremost clubs. There is no room in football for this now discredited organisation
  5. Both FARE and UEFA need sorted out by politicians & governments. They are both rotten & corrupt to the core. As for Scott Brown singing about ‘fuck the huns’ maybe he shouldn’t then be too surprised when he attracts the attention of halfwits goading him of his sister’s death from cancer. Brown’s never struck me as one of the more intelligent footballers of his generation & frequently proves it
  6. The fact remains we were cheated yesterday. I want the people who run our club to come out & acknowledge this.
  7. They are just a nasty, vile club from top to bottom. Pondlife.
  8. I’ve been disappointed with our management response to yesterday’s game. Can you imagine Lennon’s response if they’d lost to an offside goal, a penalty which should have been re-taken & denied at least one further penalty? The harsh reality in Scottish football is that dignified silence gets you nowhere
  9. As I said in an earlier post we need to get a striker scoring regularly against them. We need Morelos to break his duck.
  10. Hard to take today. We can point to refereeing mistakes today but we really must start scoring more goals against the yahoos. In the 6 OF games since SG became Rangers manager we’ve scored just 4 goals and a striker has yet to score. That needs to change
  11. Regardless of what happens tomorrow, Steven Gerrard has taken Rangers back to competing at the top level of Scottish football. And competing in Europe again. Both Mark Warburton & Pedro failed to do this. Hence why he’ll be offered a new, improved contract
  12. Will we get the usual half-hearted Polis Alba investigation because it’s Rangers?
  13. Two points dropped in a game we were strolling. Mind you another howler from Beaton. Cosgrove gets booked after 4 fouls but goes on to commit 2 or 3 more. He should have been red-carded. And the Morelos foul being on the 18 yard line was a penalty. Beaton was 5 yards away. He clearly saw it.
  14. I predict a Tim-plosion on social media tonight after the news we’re not getting a stadium closure next week...? Liewell will be looking for a replacement for Delaney
  15. Surprisingly easy afternoon. We strolled it. Don’t think I remember MacGregor making a single save all game. Onwards to Wednesday night which I think will be much more difficult. We can’t afford to drop any points .
  16. Position is a poisoned chalice. whoever gets it won’t finish above Liverpool, Man City or Chelsea
  17. Just hope we can keep Morelos past January. Unthinkable without him.
  18. Back in 2015 when DK & T3B took over I genuinely wondered if they were in it for the long haul as these were not young men taking over Rangers. They were men mostly in their 60’s & 70’s. I think we’ll now start to see new additions to board being of a younger generation.
  19. DK and the T3B have taken the club forward since they arrived in 2015 and we’re now back where we were pre-2012. We can’t ask for any more than that.
  20. Says more about Polis Alba(or whatever they’re called) than anything else in my opinion
  21. There’s a GE in a fortnight & Mason is trying to secure the yahoo vote who no longer vote SLAB. Any Rangers supporter voting SNP should realise that they are the tartan Sinn Fein. They hate us Show me any SNP politician who supports Rangers
  22. Morelos got booked after he got fouled. The guy who fouled him went unpunished.??
  23. Have heard rumours of investment from Hong Kong. Presumably involving Julian Walthardt. Whether true or not remains to be seen
  24. HMRC acted mysteriously throughout Whyte’s term of office at Rangers. However I’m sure BDO will do all they can to get answers...
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