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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. The SFA are buying Hampden for £5m at the end of the season( although half of it from Willie Haughey) Where are they going to get zillions from for VAR ? ??
  2. I think our main priority this transfer window will be to try & offload first team players not in Gerrard’s plans.
  3. Scottish football couldn’t afford VAR. Doncaster said a year ago it would cost £5k per game as well as all the training costs. It would cost millions and Scottish football simply hasn’t got that sort of money. Rangers have cleverly rolled a grenade underneath the SFA/SPFL.
  4. Who’ll pay for VAR in Scottish football?
  5. This is the biggest worry i.e. losing players if we’re trying to win the league. Qualifying from our EL group & this afternoon’s win won’t have gone unnoticed
  6. Correct. Bolingoli was on a yellow when he hauled down Morelos.
  7. Ecstatic with the win but our club must come out with some sort of statement about the refereeing in that game.
  8. If this was a boxing match we’d need a KO to get a draw. Unbelievable decisions going against us.
  9. It’s vital we start scoring goals in this fixture. Four goals in six games since the start of last season isn’t a lot is it?
  10. I’d rather we sent Docherty on loan to Hearts than Shrewsbury in EFL1
  11. He isn’t going to get game time at Rangers. And hivs have sent him back. So where does he go now? myview is he’s too lightweight
  12. once he’s left Rangers for one of the top leagues in Europe, I hope Alfredo will one day give us his thoughts on his time in Scotland. What’s Spanish for pond life ?
  13. These last few games have seen the yahoos get away with several incidents which the compliance officer should have cited. She is useless. Not fit for purpose. And blatantly biased. A strong Rangers MD or chief executive would have been tearing the paint of his he walls these past few games.
  14. Only way to beat them is to take the game to them. FC Cluj did it in the CLQ 2nd leg at the giro dome early in the season where they had to beat them after drawing the first leg 1-1.
  15. Now you can see why we’re nowhere near to getting VAR in Scotland. Much better to have a compliance officer who punishes the indiscretions of the yahoos opponents & overlooks the indiscretions of the yahoos themselves. She is, of course, a yahoo herself who’d be put out of a job if we got VAR. And btw wish we had someone like Aberdeen’s Dave Cormack who’s prepared to speak out. We’ve got a guy called Stewart Robertson as our MD
  16. Whenever available, Morelos must start every game. Against decent opposition anyway. Nothing against Defoe, but he doesn’t work a defence the way Morelos does. When Morelos came on the game changed massively for us. You don’t leave out ur best player in ‘must win’ games like today
  17. They yahoos are all mostly SNP supporters so Scurgeon & useless Yousef stay silent.
  18. Think he’s well behind Aribo now
  19. Our troubles in 2012 which saw us put out of the top division only benefited one club. But the likes of Milne & Thompson weren’t smart enough to realise this. Scotland’s top division effectively became a one horse race. No one was interested in it outside Scotland. Certainly not sponsors or TV companies who paid peanuts for TV deals without Rangers in the top division So all clubs (bar one) starting making big cuts to their budgets. Incomes were reduced all round. Turkeys had voted for Christmas. Eleven clubs in the top division were only really playing to stay in it. They’d no chance of winning it. And the yahoos suffered too. Their best players left Inverness, Ross County, St Mirren & St Johnstone won cups. Even Aberdeen won one too, their first in nearly twenty years. But in the top top division the eleven clubs had unintentionally created a level playing field for themselves. Hibs, Hearts & Dundee Utd all got relegated. Hubs spent 3 years in the Championship & Dundee Utd have spent four so far To this day I’ve always wondered about would have happened to Scottish football had Rangers not returned. Were Milne & Thompson really that stupid ? Milne is going or has gone. Don’t slam the door on the way out please Stewart
  20. My understanding is that if the Rangers management were concerned about their players’ safety on Friday then they could have advised the referee & taken the players of the pitch. The match would either be replayed (presumably in an empty stadium) or Rangers get awarded the game 3-0. Sure someone could advise if I‘m talking nonsense...
  21. Just picture snouts & troughs. You’ll soon get it.?
  22. Wow how long’s it taken Milne to realise this ? In 2012(with Rangers out the top flight) him & others had the opportunity to do something about Liewell but chose not to.
  23. I’d expect to see us try to move on a few first team squad members who aren’t part of Gerrard’s plans
  24. I’m sure the compliance officer will be onto this. When’s Sportscene on this weekend? ??
  25. Be interesting to see what’s in next he ref’s report. Do the halfwits in the Scottish media still think singing certain songs more serious than bottles being thrown into the pitch? And it is becoming rather tedious getting apologies from hibs for their supporters behaviour every time we visit Easter Road
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