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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Collins was at ibrox twice the day before he signed for Celtic
  2. He’s a coach not a manager
  3. Unbelievable BBC Scotland managed to waste £160m (5years x £32m) on a programme watched by so few. This is taxpayers and licence fee payers money so they knew they could get away with it. A privately owned broadcaster would have binned the show long ago or tried to make changes to it to try and improve its ratings. But not BBC Scotland. Providing jobs and jollies for the usual suspects The sooner the licence fee is binned and they need to get their revenue in the real world the better. Dross like NINE will get binned earlier or won’t even get started.And the hangers-on will need to find real employment elsewhere
  4. Excellent afternoon. Only disappointment for me was Silva once again didn’t score or impress. Might be best to stick with Dessers even with his obvious shortcomings.
  5. You are correct he doesn’t make a killer pass. His dec making is poor too often but at least he can beat a man. McCausland can't
  6. Those three are as strong a MF three as we’ve had in a long time but it’s the wide areas up front which worry me. Wee McCausland has gone right off the boil & Matondo is very hit or miss. Cortes seems to have a lot of tricks in his locker but is there an end product? The much-maligned Scott Wright can at least go past defenders but can’t always be relied on.
  7. I thought Wright did ok last night. He was better second half than the first half though. Like it or not we need homegrown players for Europe. With Jack maybe leaving at the end of the season we’re low in numbers of homegrowns who are a decent standard
  8. Through to the next round but our problems up front are there for all to see. It’s beginning to look that Silva will never be prolific enough whoever he plays for. Plenty decent deliveries into the box tonight & he was posted missing all too often. And very fortunate to avoid a second yellow card although the first was typical Collum nonsense. Dessers was on a decent wee scoring run & was dropped. I wonder if he’ll return on Wednesday And is it time up for Ryan Jack at the end of the season? If he can’t be available for every game then it might be better if he was replaced
  9. We often expect a barrow load of goals in games like these against lower league opponents & seldom get it. Ayr are top half of the championship and are probably as good as any team in the bottom half of the premiership. Expecting a win but maybe not by as a big a margin as most of us hoping for
  10. Incredible Doncaster has lasted so long in his position at the SPFL and SPL before that. His record is abysmal. He seems to keep such a low profile nowadays. McLennan too
  11. Or are you part of the corrupt Fab Four: Collum, Clancy, Roberson & Walsh
  12. Closer game than we’d have liked because we’re not creating enough in the final third despite all the possession we get.
  13. They’ll turn up tomorrow alright. And Don Robertson is referee which worries me. I just can’t forget our goal he disallowed against the yahoos at the start of the season.
  14. Beale was an over-promoted coach
  15. How they get a safety certificate for their North Stand is anyone’s guess. The very narrow passageways between the stand & the cemetery wall are a death trap. plenty for an investigative journalist to get his or her teeth into there I’d have thought
  16. Don’t forget too that when the Stade de Gadd got rebuilt nearly 30 years ago the cheapest materials were used including Bulgarian steel was it? Maybe some of these materials reaching the end of their working life. Could be a new or rebuilt Stade de Gadd May be required
  17. It’s vital we keep Butland at least to the end of the season anyway. Whether we can keep him beyond then I’m not so sure. There will come a point when we & him get an offer that one of both can’t refuse. It’s therefore vital we keep an eye on the goalkeeper situation for next season. We need to keep an eye out for a potential new no1 as I don’t think McCrorie is ups to the job
  18. One wonders what happened hat supposed £70m in the bank is for? If it exists at all. Maybe the PQ gang hut could ask
  19. Looks like Liewell back in charge at ra Styedome. What does CEO Nicholson the George Roper lookalike do? Maybe the PQ gang hut could look into this
  20. No mention of Brenda in ‘how the Scots and Irish changed English football’ ? surely someone who’s managed three EPL clubs would have at least got a mention? 😳 maybe Peter’s keeping a tight rein on things if all not well again in the east end if weekends rumours were anything to go by 🤓
  21. He’d be almost impossible to replace without spending really serious money
  22. Shankland in my view would find it much more difficult to score for Rangers when opponents have 11 men behind the ball. He wouldn’t get the space he gets at hertz.
  23. His replacement? just watch how Liverpool (& all EPL clubs for that matter) don’t even consider Gareth Southgate
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