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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. 50 minutes ago, buster. said:

    The second main root cause that comes alongside and in the main, thanks to Sir Duped, is our consistent habit of spending more money than we generate. Again, going back decades.....


    ....but despite plans to change for the better, we can't shake the habit and are still on the same path.



    Spending money on the wrong type of players. Clement has easily identified this

  2. 24 minutes ago, CammyF said:

    Agreed, it can all be traced back as you said above. However, it shouldnt excuse the current clusterfu** which is down to the current board making wrong decision after wrong decision.


    I also never get this assumption that Rangers fans should never publicly call out the board, if only we (as a collective) had when the moonbeams started to fade and the facade started to crack. 


    A very few of us questioned it, we were ridiculed (and worse) but it's at times like these when, without any pleasure, we could say "told you so"...  

    The Warburton, Pedro & Beale appointments were all wrong for one reason or another

  3. 4 hours ago, compo said:

    14 days until we play Hearts on league business and I don’t think our manager knows what his starting eleven is going to be maybe he’ll start today and the next two friendly matches with his strongest eleven .

    I suspect he does know his starting eleven but wants to improve it in certain areas but can’t do so because we can’t rid off some players to bring others in

  4. 10 minutes ago, CammyF said:

    So if we get the rumoured £3-4M for Tav, how much of that do we spend in a replacement right back? 


    We will 100% need a replacement as Sterling whilst a "find" last season had injury problems (and has historically). 


    A decent fee and freeing up hus wages is a good outcome but be interesting to see how the money is used. 

    Presume Adam Devine not seen as Tav’s replacement then ( assuming Tav goes to trabzonspor which I doubt)

  5. 6 minutes ago, der Berliner said:

    At the end of the day, we will only know how good or bad a player is going to be ... at the end (sic!) of this season. And that holds true for those we have and those we'll sign. In the here and now, it matters little that players were so good last season or 4 years ago. They have to go out there and claim silverware this coming season. Last season's goal-tallies mean very little in three weeks time.


    I have heard the moans and groans about "legendary" players leaving since the days of Gough, Butcher, McCoist, McCall, Laudrup and Co.. Morelos was another, Tavernier is the current legend. I'd have no real problem if we kept him on ... as a right-sided midfielder. But we will sign successors to anyone, and for the best part of my Bear-life, we have done so successfully. The dark years still hamper us greatly, mainly because the Yahoos have a European well of gold that we lack. Aside from a knack of buying players on the cheap and selling them with mega-profits. So, for the time being, we'll have to be content with what we can afford, and need clever people spotting players suitable for our environment. And managers who adopt tactics according to our environment.


    As I said, the players we have seem to be decent enough, perhaps we add a few promising youngsters as well. There are obviously areas that need more depth, but the window hasn't closed and I do expect movement right to the last day.


    NB: I think the gaffer meant Sima with players willing to come, yet Brighton has a good player on their books and every reason to keep him or play to the rules of the game ... like we would.

    Sima’s going into the last season of his Brighton contract. If he’s not signing a new one with them they’ll want to sell him

  6. 1 hour ago, Tannochsidebear said:

    I know what you are saying but we did get rid of about 8 players whose contracts or loans ended plus McCrorie so we must have reduced the wage bill a lot. With the expected departures of Lammers, Hagi, maybe Dessers that’s another chunk and if we can move on Goldson that’s the equivalent of another two. 

    If (and it’s a big ‘if’) we move on Lammers, Hagi & Dessers don’t we need to replace them ? And I’d forget about moving Goldson on somewhere. No way he’d get his £38k per week elsewhere 


  7. 28 minutes ago, Sutton_blows_goats said:

    If we can get back the money we spent for him and save the wages it’s worth moving him on, he isn't what we need to be honest. If he cost 2.5 million and was on 15k a week he'd be a good squad player IMO. 

    So move him on( if we can) & replace him with whom? Someone who can get the same numbers as Dessers last season. Won’t be easy with the money we’ve alleged got to spend 

  8. 2 hours ago, Sutton_blows_goats said:

    Comments on transfer incomings interesting, he seemed confident to me that things will start moving soon. Heres hoping the bids come in for Lammers, Dessers, Davies, Matondo, Hagi et al

    Why Dessers? I felt he silenced a few critics towards the end of last season but if we’re bringing in someone better….

  9. 3 minutes ago, der Berliner said:

    I would assume that Cifuentes, Lammers, Goldson, Tavernier, Davies, and Hagi are all off before the window closes. The money we'll receive for them is probably what Clement remarked upon when speaking of selling players first. People not needed or wanted take up places which need to be cleared first.


    There have to be buyers, though.

    I think it’s more saving on salaries than transfer fees for those players 

  10. 1 hour ago, Malangsob said:

     Tav and Goldson

     Both are on the bad side of 30. Both are on considerable wages. Goldson is starting to show his age with injury. Tav is probably due a good spell on the table as well. Not wishing it, but odds are odds. 

    I honestly think we are stuck with them until their contracts expire. The clubs that can afford them don't need them.



    I find it hard to believe that Rangers haven't received any cherry offers for him. Odd. I was almost certain he would be gone by now.



    Cyriel Dessers has scored 16 goals in 35 matches so far in the Premiership 2023/2024 season. 10 of the 16 goals were scored at home while he scored 6 goals at away games. Overall, Cyriel Dessers' goals scored per 90 minutes is 0.63. Moreover, Cyriel Dessers' total G/A (goals + assists) is 20 for this season. His goal involvement equates to 0.79 per 90 minutes. His Non-Penalty xG per 90 minutes is 0.67. This puts Cyriel Dessers's npxG output at 17.02 which puts him in the top 98 percentile of Premiership players.




    You're right. You don't just stumble into 20 goal seasons, or players who can. 


    The rest...meh...wouldn't notice their departure. Injured, underperforming, or both.





    Tavernier & Goldson are past their best now. It was madness to give them both 4 year contracts a couple of years ago. 
    Butland’s form towards the end of last season was a worry. 

  11. 19 minutes ago, CammyF said:

    That's the problem we have, but shouldn't stop criticism of the incumbents when they are clearly doing a terrible job. 


    It's their responsibility to generate the needed investment or line up buyers for the club. 

    As experienced businessmen I’d suggest some of their past decision-making for the club has been questionable but also the club having about half a dozen ‘major ’ shareholders doesn’t help.


    However if we could improve the football side that would help enormously. PC seems to me to have a different view on how we should be approaching recruitment. We’ll need to see how that works out

  12. Played 2 friendlies & no wins in either.

    Only scored 1goal in both games.

    I don’t usually read too much into friendlies but hopefully we’ll start to see something a bit more encouraging soon before the season starts in 3 weeks time

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