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RANGERRAB last won the day on July 16 2023

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  1. Sima’s going into the last season of his Brighton contract. If he’s not signing a new one with them they’ll want to sell him
  2. If (and it’s a big ‘if’) we move on Lammers, Hagi & Dessers don’t we need to replace them ? And I’d forget about moving Goldson on somewhere. No way he’d get his £38k per week elsewhere
  3. So move him on( if we can) & replace him with whom? Someone who can get the same numbers as Dessers last season. Won’t be easy with the money we’ve alleged got to spend
  4. Why Dessers? I felt he silenced a few critics towards the end of last season but if we’re bringing in someone better….
  5. I think it’s more saving on salaries than transfer fees for those players
  6. Tavernier & Goldson are past their best now. It was madness to give them both 4 year contracts a couple of years ago. Butland’s form towards the end of last season was a worry.
  7. As experienced businessmen I’d suggest some of their past decision-making for the club has been questionable but also the club having about half a dozen ‘major ’ shareholders doesn’t help. However if we could improve the football side that would help enormously. PC seems to me to have a different view on how we should be approaching recruitment. We’ll need to see how that works out
  8. Jordan Henderson ….thats what Ajax have done i.e an old hand in the middle
  9. Thankfully he won’t be refereeing next season
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