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Blue Moon

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Everything posted by Blue Moon

  1. Am I being dumb here? Are they not saying no to Rangers in the SPL, therefore we have to apply to the SFL?
  2. The fans of other clubs have forced this by threatening not to buy season tickets. What do we think they will do if the setup is changed to allow us into SFL1 or SPL2? The media, SFA and SPL have made a huge mistake by allowing this whole punishment to juggernaut out of control instead of dispassionately dealing with the facts. Regan is now on holiday and their carefully concocted plan is in bits. I do not want them to change the rules because it will be perceived as doing it for us and subject us to even more future lies and abuse. We have to apply for Division 3. This could turn even nastier.
  3. I cancelled my SKY and ESPN weeks ago, citing the victimisation of the club by The SFA.
  4. Nothing makes me madder than being called a Hun. The name describes everything I am not and I find it extrememly offensive. The propaganda that has been been spread for over 40 years has portrayed Rangers fans as neo fascist extremists intolerant of all others. I am a football fan, a fan of Rangers, a good person, tolerant, liberal minded and typical of most Rangers supporters I know. I am staggered by the amount of hatred being shown towards our club the length and breadth of Scotland. It only makes me all the more determined to support the club.
  5. At last we are getting somewhere. We all said it at the time, there was a very strong stench surrounding the Whyte takeover. Wonder if we will be exonerated for some of our "crimes" once the guilty are prosecuted or will this lead to further charges against us? The fans are being totally forgotten in all of this except the bloodlust of fans of other clubs. When I woke up this morning I was at my lowest ebb over this whole fiasco. I really don't know whether to feel good about this or not. One thing is for sure we need to be told the truth.
  6. If he had any intentions of staying he would have got the answers to this and other questions such as what division we will be playing in before making up his mind. This doesn't even make sense. I was one of the people eulogising about Naismaith recently but I am absolutely gutted tonight. This is the lowest I have felt. To get absolutely nothing for these players is hard to take.
  7. I don't think they could care less what the reasons are. They will simply stick to their procedures. Look at their response to the transfer ban.
  8. Hopefully it will be him and not you doing a spell inside.
  9. It makes me feel ashamed to see all those small creditors in black and white. It should never have happened like this. It more than likely would have come about because of the EBTs but to screw all these people, Craig Whyte has a lot to answer for.
  10. I agree, but what I don't get is why did they put the bid in when they did and I would have to say if it was a serious bid it was derisory. If it was to put pressure on Green by creating suspicion and destabilising the situation further then it certainly worked. The statements contain inuendo and nothing of substance and that goes for all of them.
  11. I replied to you earlier. I am floundering with what to think about all of this and I think Chris has pulled things together for me. I should have pressed agree.
  12. I pressed agree then had a rethink. Giving CG the benefit of the doubt that there are investors ( and I am not entirely sure there are after the CVA failed ) do you not think it would be foolish and insensitive to be broadcasting that until after the 4th July? I would think the likely scenario is that the investors are also awaiting the outcome of that meeting, as are many fans who want to know what they are buying into at SPL prices.
  13. If they had been more circumspect at the beginning of all of this and more honest they would not have dug this great big hole they now find themselves in.
  14. It is littered with grammatical and spelling errors. It never ceases to amaze me how much they hate us and I feel totally indifferent to them. I support my team and do not care about theirs. I do not consider myself in any way to be a bad person and am typical of the vast majority of Rangers supporters I know but I would have to say my tolerance is not reciprocated and the myth that has become a truism that all rangers supporters are right wing, fascist, narrow minded bigots has to be fought tooth and nail in the future because that no way describes me nor my type.
  15. One piece of positive news this morning. Lets hope its the first of many.
  16. Taylor sums up largely how I have felt over the last few months. I have always considered myself to be a tolerant person but the shock I have felt at the naked venom being spat in our direction, and the endless talk of punishment after punishment has tested my tolerance to the limits and beyond. He is absolutely bag on - I will never forget this. We have been complacent in the past and lost the moral high ground a long time before this all broke when virtually all of Scotland outside Rangers supporters were convinced that we are the problem, that we are the bigots, that we are the louts that have shamed Scottish football and now we are the cheats etc etc. It is time to fight our corner, metaphorically of course. We do need to get our message across and we need to defend our club more than ever. We need a leader, we need a spokesperson and we need someone who is going to scrutinise every word that is spoken or written about us, an articulate PR man who will say "here is the Rangers viewpoint, this is the Rangers way".
  17. I think the players have been fantastic for the last few months and I for one cannot blame any of them for leaving. Naismith is a top player and a top guy who deserves to make the best of his career. I do not think it is appropriate to start looking for reasons to bad mouth him now. There are plenty outside of our club who will do that. He is for me one of the Rangers family and we should not forget that.
  18. I thought it was the other way around that some would pull out if the CVA was not accepted and I assumed that was because of the European ban.
  19. Especially since my reading of HMRC's statement is that they are pursuing the big tax case as well in that they said Rangers can start afresh debt free. If the CVA had gone ahead the club would have had to deal with that if found guilty. If not found guilty I cannot understand HMRC's actions.
  20. I agree 100%
  21. Please God you are right, Frankie, the alternatives don't bear thinking about.
  22. Does that not mean that Charles Green's deal with Craig Whyte is now off?
  23. I feel like I have been mugged. The fans have paid their taxes and for most of our 140 year history so has the club. Those responsible must now be brought to book.
  24. Looks like a good read and different to the forums. Will be good to read articles from the Rangers persective. Just back from holiday so have a lot of catching up to do.
  25. Cancelled mine weeks ago and told them why. Will not be changing my mind. They have tried to contact me a few times, got a hold of me once and I have told them my reasons again. Stopped shopping in Tesco too and got a very reasonable letter back. You may say it is pointless but it makes me feel I am making my point. I am still raging at the SFA's hasty, ill considered, knee jerk reaction based upon a half baked investigation while the whole thing is sub judice. They have done absolutely nothing to help a member club, in fact they have been obstructive. I have e mailed the SFA too. No reply.
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