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Everything posted by RyanGers193

  1. Look, if we dont buy season tickets the club wont have any money and we'll be well and truly fucked. If you're prepared to starve your club of money and risk losing it because you dont like some directors that is your call but if I did that and we went into admin again or worse I wouldnt be able to live with myself.
  2. Nobody's actually answered me though
  3. Funny that. I think it's more a case of cant tell me instead of wont tell me.
  4. Ahh that's right this is the man who was at the centre of a huge tax evasion case in which he had to pay close to £50m! So what do we just starve the club of all money?
  5. Fancy telling me again? There was an opportunity for King to buy shares but he didn't now he's calling the shots telling me not to give the club money? Nah, doesn't work like that.
  6. There was a share issue where ANYBODY could buy shares. King chose not to, end of. It was a level playing field.
  7. Do tell. There was a share issue where King could have stepped up but he chose not to.
  8. Before I make my point I'd like to make it clear that I'm not pro the board nor am I anti the board, I'm also not pro Dave King but I'm not anti Dave King either. Maybe it's because the current board stepped up and actually bought shares where as King stood back and did nowt?
  9. Why Merlin? I cant stand Bill, like I really dont like him, but I agree with what he says here.
  10. Pretty pathetic that that's all they could come up with although I do agree with what they say.
  11. Advocating not giving the club season ticket money? I'm no financial expert but if a company is struggling financially starving it of large amounts of money doesn't seem like a good idea to me. Almost as if he's scaremongering...
  12. We were 15 points ahead in October or November, they went top before January, admin wasn't til February. The players need to take their share of the blame but at the end of the day it's up to the manager to get them performing. His job is to manage the team and he should be judged on that and not off field issues. He's had arguably the easiest 2 years any Rangers manager in history has had and he still doesn't have us playing to an acceptable standard. He is clueless.
  13. Half a season in which we got knocked out of three cups. We then blew a huge lead in the league. 'Supporter' implies that you need to back McCoist to be a real supporter.
  14. Ok, we'll never be successful at the top level with him in charge. Walter won 3IAR, got us to a European final and won 3 consecutive doubles, of course I thought that was success. 'supporters' care to expend on that?
  15. Pathetic yet again. The sooner our 'manager' does the right thing and leaves the better. We will never be a successful team with him in charge.
  16. He's good at what he does but doesn't deserve that type of salary. Did he not once say he could manage any team in the world?
  17. Luis Boa Morte was on 80k a week at West Ham and Big Sam is the 13th highest paid manager in the world.
  18. I've been doing that for a long time mate.
  19. Was hoping for a Friday night but oh well. We haven't been to the semis since 2009? That is disgraceful.
  20. Conspiracy
  21. Great. Two wins at the piggery this season.
  22. Ralston's fine, cant believe people are defending Jackson though. I'm not buying that either, if we're as fucked as King says we are they would need to accept his investment. There's obviously stuff going on behind the scenes we dont know about.
  23. No That quote I posted was on the Rangers website after they'd both left. Are you saying they're not anti Rangers?
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