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Everything posted by RyanGers193

  1. Ok I'll rephrase; most of the support who attend matches agree. Obviously I have no way of proving it but we both know that's the case Errrr, they weren't formed as an army division.... For something you have such views about you really dont know what you're talking about. Either that or you're at it, not sure which. What are your views on the British army? Do you consider them 'murderous monsters'?
  2. I've not posted anything from RM? Comparing the KKK to the UVF(original one)is ridiculous. Thankfully most Rangers fans agree with me about that The UVF weren't formed to kill anybody.
  3. Pedantic much? You know fine well what I mean that they formed the 36th division.
  4. The UVF were a regiment in the British army as I'm sure you're aware, don't see quite how that equates to them being the same as the IRA or only murdering/attempting to murder Irish people/catholics.
  5. I wasn't saying I was right, I was asking a question. A question you failed to answer...
  6. What's anti Irish/catholic about the YCV or UVF?
  7. I guess the majority of our support is the same as TGB then if that's the case. Ridiculous comparison anyway.
  8. Fucking hell. A thread about the scum fans acting like scum and one of our fans uses it to have a go at our fans. 'charmless orange symbolism'. Pathetic. Not the biggest UB fan but they're nothing like TGB.
  9. Shocking. Also poor that they felt the need to put their address in the article.
  10. Ridiculous.
  11. Hi Rfc52 Stupid 10 characters pish
  12. Official RM line? I dont particularly like the current board so that's your theory fucked.
  13. I don't like Stockbridge but this would be a disaster.
  14. Did he? When? I'm not saying that and you know I'm not. PM has been trying to get his hands on Rangers without having to spend money for the past 18 months and unfortunately it looks like he's about to.
  15. This one put their money where there mouth was. I'm not even a big fan of them but at the moment it's a choice between them and Murray and they're the lesser of two evils.
  16. Not at all, everyone is entitled to an opinion. Maybe calling the whole of the RST is scum I'm sure the majority of them are good Rangers men, just a shame people like Dingwall have such a prominent role and give a bad impression of the rest of them. Agenda pushing arseholes who are only in it for self gain.
  17. I didn't say they were confident of an AGM trouncing, stop putting words in my mouth, cheers.
  18. Do you really need me to tell you that? They're basically Murray's PR machine.
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