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Everything posted by RyanGers193

  1. Not sure the exact time but it was quite a while ago. You're obviously not going to believe me so there's no point in talking about it.
  2. If you think them defending themselves is a campaign that's your opinion and you're entitled to it. Couldn't agree more with the last two lines. As I've said Jack Irvine is a disgrace.
  3. No, they don't, they have in the past brought out CDs with loyalist songs on them though. I couldn't care less what they sing if I'm being honest. I think they're scum for singing about the IRA but I don't lose any sleep over it. Freedom of speech and all that...
  4. In what way have I not thought my views through? you know as well as I do our support feels the same way as me, either that or you never attend matches/have no friends who support us.
  5. You're not boycotting Stockbridge though, you're boycotting Rangers.
  6. Let me set the record straight on my views on this, I'm not a fan of the current board by any means and don't back either 'side'. IMO the SOS have acted disgracefully with their protests etc. Jack Irvine is a cunt I'll agree with you there.
  7. I answered every point you made in the quote.
  8. Must be hard to judge Paul Murray based on his actions since he's done absolutely nothing in the last few years when we've been in trouble.
  9. Boycotting your club because you don't like the people in charge is ridiculous. We don't have much money so what's the solution? Starve the club of money!
  10. Don't join in with the songs. Simples.
  11. I've actually posted a song that proves it's about the original organisation and you're still spouting that nonsense. You have a very low opinion of our support for a Rangers fan.
  12. We have a large loyalist/protestant element to our support who it matters to. Unless the fans don't matter?
  13. I wouldn't know if that was set in the early 20th century, the history of he IRA isn't my strong point unlike yourself. Doesn't seem to imply it is though. Anyway, I said their recent actions(H Block/Boaby Sands banners) prove they sing about the modern day IRA, not that vile song.
  14. Nothing compared to the stuff aimed at Stockbridge and the likes from SOS. Dont suppose you're a part of SOS, Craig?
  15. What an absolutely disgusting post. Quoting an IRA song on a Rangers forum to make Rangers fans look bad? Hang your head in shame. Who needs enemies? I think they've proved in the last few weeks that they're singing about the PIRA.
  16. That isnt a UVF song though...
  17. Did you miss my post with the lyrics, aye? I think I know why I sing songs a little more than you.
  18. Have you missed the protests and everything SOS have been doing? That's a campaign, a few people on the internet not liking him is not. And aye I am, only til later tonight though.
  19. Campaign against Paul Murray?! Really?! There's a campaign going on to try and influence the AGM and Paul Murray aint the one who's being targeted.
  20. Surely the lyrics here will convince you? In 1912 a home rule bill England would impose So Lord Carson he did raise an army to oppose But off to France our boys were sent And Carson he did say Go take our sons and tell the huns that we are on our way We're coming We're coming We are coming down the road We are the volunteers of the UVF and we're coming down the road
  21. You clearly dont know any UVF songs as it's quite clear that it is the original UVF who fought in the war that is being sung about.
  22. No because I have no interest in him. They were a group who were set up to prevent home rule and fought for our country in the war. That's a fact, you're the one spinning it. Ok, next time a UVF song is sung at a game you look around you to see what the reaction of our support is.
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