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Everything posted by simplythebest

  1. Think anyone can understand the ideal of fan ownership but frankly I don't trust our support to make something like this work
  2. Hampden's shut to prepare for the Commonwealth Games
  3. No worries mate I expected it
  4. I don't particularly blame you as the football is dire but I was responding to you saying 'fans' in what I assume was meant to be sarcastic/ironic.
  5. I tend to just try and look at people individually rather than assuming they're all the same, with the amount of games I go to I don't think it can be questioned that i'm a fan, i want nothing more than to just move on from political and boardroom stuff but that looks impossible. Interestingly enough you get people who shout Spivs Out on one hand and defend David Murray's massive role in our problems on the other
  6. Way to kill a light hearted comment.
  7. I regularly just despair at his interviews, and stuff like saying the Forfar first half was an OK performance is just taking the fans for mugs. Saying that if he was any good as a manager I'd get over it
  8. I'd probably go for anything right now mind you
  9. I'm not cheering it but I think it's an easy excuse to have another go at the guy. Dignity has been lacking from many quarters where Rangers are concerned including fans (yes I can be included myself there).
  10. I just think Easdale is saying what a lot of fans would say tbh, and he is meant to be a fan as well as a director
  11. Are a large amount of Rangers fans thugs then? Even my mum has suggested she'd be violent towards Craig Whyte if she came across him after what he's done to us, but as with Easdale it's just words to express how he's such a hated figure.
  12. Lets face it if Dave King, Paul Murray etc said this there'd be few complaints, i've read countless stuff from our fans about how Whyte shouldn't be able to walk around Scotland without being harmed.
  13. How many times in the David Murray and even Craig Whyte days were we told a player categorically wasn't going anywhere only for them to be off before the end of the window? Least this is more honest
  14. So does that mean if this current regime lead us to success (forget however unlikely you think that is), you won't be cheering us onto it? Boardroom and the football side can be separated, contrary to popular myth we were well on the way up before Murray bought us.
  15. You've certainly let the mask of a sensible balanced blogger slip these last few months Andy.
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