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Everything posted by simplythebest

  1. I was never even a huge defender of Whyte albeit I never thought he'd turned out to be so bad. It's other people that bring up Green, he's someone I liked but he's gone, best to get over him whatever your views.
  2. You can be sick if you want but it's what I believe to be the truth and no amount of propaganda has changed my mind. I've no time for McMurdo so you can forget that comparison.
  3. You keep defending him while he sits in his fancy offices in Edinburgh and the place in France, not giving a fuck about us.
  4. Yeah, think BT and Sky still have about 5 or 6 matches left to show between them
  5. We all know Lloyds influence on Murray but they didn't hold his family hostage, his borrowing and mismanagement caused them to get control
  6. I blame him for a bank taking control of the us. If it was all normal why were Lloyds not in charge at more football clubs?
  7. On players we could barely afford if at all. He made plenty of money from Rangers through his other companies
  8. Handing over to Whyte was slightly more risky than most possibilities. It's not as if this all happened overnight it's been a chain of reactions starting with the Murray mismanagement.
  9. Shite time for the fans again but probably unavoidable this time
  10. Anyway, McMurdo talking rubbish is nothing new, best ignored like Leggo.
  11. I'm not talking about the current mob am I? And there's not a lot of point comparing teams since Murray never had us in the Scottish lower leagues. I guess it is interesting though that people who say 'Spivs out' constantly seem inclined to defend one of the longest term 'Spivs' we had. He didn't give a fuck about Rangers and never did, the success we had was to satisfy his ego hence the fiver tenner type comments and how he's done nothing at all to help since our collapse. Plus Rangers were a very successful club before Murray and we'd have remained so with or without him, it wasn't even him that started the Souness revolution as much as that wrongly get's said.
  12. Murray made plenty out of Rangers and he wanted glory for his own ego nothing more. People didn't ask him to turn it in because they wrongly assumed he was looking after us properly.
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