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Everything posted by simplythebest

  1. Two regular members of this site have met me more than once
  2. Quite a support we've become when we have stupid little group names like this
  3. All Green has said concerning this is that he'll need to tell the truth under oath
  4. If Imran is contractually entitled there's nothing anyone can do, as much as he's a bastard for suing us in the first place
  5. I agree but I blame our manager for that not the quality of the squad
  6. Come on Ian, barring any key players leaving this squad is easily good enough for next season. Not sure the management is but separate debate I suppose
  7. Davey's actually no been at a game since November or something and no-ones heard from him, think he's hiding because he can't pay folk money back.
  8. Well we've already cut McCoist's salary, dead wood will leave, there might be more loans, backroom staff may go as well which would be sad but probably should have been done in the first place.
  9. Mr Happy that drives is always a good laugh even though he doesn't intend to be.
  10. The board aren't going to put our promotion at risk, even if they are only interested in making money they won't make any that way. There will be cuts but not to the extent where our squad isn't capable of winning the championship.
  11. Well I thought it had calmed down a bit after the AGM, calm before another storm it seems though.
  12. Aye you should mate always looking for as many bums on seats as possible. I got in a pretty bad way at Ayr.
  13. Bain was with us a lot longer to be fair, and he wasted so much of our money paying players off. In fairness that may need to happen again.
  14. Whether you back the board or not football games should be about football games imo, the Scottish Cup in particular we have a realistic chance of doing something in and it would be pretty special as a third tier club.
  15. I'm just saying something to make a point I never even leave a few minutes early from home games
  16. If these sack the board chants start during the game I might just walk out again. Come on it's a cup quarter final
  17. I thought that proposal meant the club got the money in the usual lump sum but the fans got security over Ibrox? Of course the club agreeing to any of this is another matter
  18. The grass always looks greener, even taking away the finance stuff Murray and Bain threw our fans under a bus so many times with the fuss about singing etc.
  19. If it was that bad a bid for Wallace would have been accepted even a small one
  20. I go on 1st Jan's bus nearly every away game now, think you've been on that before? I think you're daft but i'll save my rage for RM.
  21. Thing is he made about 900k from us, really that bad?
  22. I thought the security option meant the money didn't go into a trust anyway?
  23. Aye you as well. I take it i'll need to wait for Dave to get in before seeing you at a game again?
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