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Everything posted by simplythebest

  1. No expert on all this but seems to me it's too closely related to the RST now, time to start again?
  2. That would be a very unusually early season ticket renewal/sale time. And someone with Wallace's rep a spiv? Give me strength.
  3. I can't really remember defending Stockbridge much after his IPO money interview, only that some of the stuff thrown at him was a bit OTT.
  4. Nevertheless he obviously feels it's worth being involved in and shows efforts are being made to sort us out
  5. Do you not think he'll be in the running for FD then?
  6. I know that we've chased out multiple board members in less than two years and now it's being concluded that Wallace and Nash aren't up to it either. I just wonder who these mythical figures are that are good enough.
  7. But why was Stockbridge such a bad guy if he didn't have any power anyway?
  8. You can't have it both ways, why the fuss over sacking the board when it apparently now doesn't matter who the individuals are?
  9. Am I going against the grain in the Albion Rovers match thread then? There's about 40 odd days left so either you're willing to give him it or not, even if you're highly suspicious what's to be lost by waiting until then?
  10. Near CF1? Although I only go to my seat a few minutes before KO anyway so didn't see it.
  11. It wasn't a secret deal it was known we were looking for capital. So who is up to the job then? Your master Paul Murray?
  12. I doubt Wallace and Nash are so desperate for work that they'll go into a job simply to do what they're told. Still seems to be that the loan was the best offer at the time and the better alternatives have come about later.
  13. The loan deal seems like a method of us getting extra capital, it's never been any secret that our cost base it too high right now. Even this alternative people keep going on about still involves the guy getting 75k from us, businessmen wanting some return is just a reality. I mean would you rather have negated the need for a loan by us selling Lee Wallace in January? I expect it'll contain full information about cost cutting measures and the business plan going forward for our top flight return. I know i'm not being very specific there but i'm not a businessman, basically I hope it'll confirm and clarify exactly what our financial situation is short term and also what the board are planning in the longer term. I'd think it'll refute that administration is any threat although Wallace is constantly denying that anyway.
  14. I hardly even post on here anymore, responses like this probably being the main reason. So because I don't believe we're doomed and want to give someone with a good rep the specific time period they asked for i'm on the wind up?
  15. Pinch of salt without any proof but this could likely be the end of him if true.
  16. How am I even supposed to say either way before his 120 day review is up? The last thing I get out of all this is a kick.
  17. I agree with you mate, the previous board and McCoist have really messed up our football and financial planning for these lower leagues. But I doubt the current regime can sort it over night, people are under contract for one. You can hardly blame Wallace for City's books considering their ownership regime, it's surely telling that even Paul Murray and Jim McColl were praising him? Even if you're skeptical about the length of time put on it what's another 40 odd days really? Not everyone is another Craig Whyte secretly wrecking us in the background.
  18. Most of them have hardly been here for one, we won't get much better than Wallace's CV and he's opened himself up for scrutiny at the end of his 120 days. It's not really about them having my vote, I expect them to produce a plan for us all to see. But this thing where we think the worst of everyone and want to chase them out after hardly anytime at all, I just don't think it's right.
  19. Really? I thought I had a reputation as more pro-board.
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