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Everything posted by simplythebest

  1. Game on TV, not a league decider, i'd be shocked if it's a sell out
  2. There was no way Green could just tell us all how he'd shafted Whyte
  3. Wasting about a million of our money on an unnecessarily investigation probably wasn't for the best
  4. I liked him at first then he got too caught up in personal rivalry
  5. Stop the press, GS actually defending a board member of the last two years.
  6. Or like me he'd still have Green back.... It's been a pleasure.
  7. I've actually managed to somehow avoid seeing any leafleters the last two games, probably an advantage of waiting in the car till the last possible minute
  8. I had a go, abuse would be stretching it I didn't call them names or anything. Another guy tore it down mind you.
  9. People are entitled to react to a banner if they want although I hope they'd accept the same the other way around
  10. He's right there, not a big fan though so I won't miss him
  11. No sure tbh mate, know that's not much good to you but I don't want to commit then let you down.
  12. I'm generally against conspiracy theories in any walk of life
  13. A tonne of people said if Stockbridge and Irvine went they'd start to give the new board a chance, let's see if that happens.
  14. Already have mine through CCCS, sounds like they went fast today
  15. No love for MH or Irvine but it makes no difference there will just be a new prime target to be chased out
  16. 36 year old Davie Weir has probably been our best signing the last 10 years or so. I doubt many really think he should have a squad entirely made up of young players, just that we'd be better with longer term signings than shite like Foster, Smith, Peralta.
  17. Rangers is a 140 plus year old institution, the RST is a mechanism that has failed as far as I can see
  18. Hardly the same thing, I can't remember the last time that the RST were looked on favourably
  19. I defended him over the betting fiasco, can gtf with shite like this though
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