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Everything posted by simplythebest

  1. I think we should reduce costs, get rid of dead wood and keep the core of our squad which would still be more than enough for a third promotion. Players that could help us win the top flight still aren't going to come to us at this stage.
  2. Come on mate, two average at best bit part players released and you still turn it into a boardroom thing?
  3. Would be madness to even consider renewing their contracts
  4. Cuts is what I think is right though, obviously we'll all have our own definition of 'savage'.
  5. Not really though, if the 120 day review comes to nothing then I will start to have doubts.
  6. I'm trying to take a step back from all this but for god's sake. So Dave King could hypothetically come to an agreement with the board that he's satisfied with and it still wouldn't be enough? This sort of minds made up stuff after five minutes thing is one of my biggest gripes with much of our support these days.
  7. Really we shouldn't be signing anyone until the summer before our top flight return.
  8. I would just call it having a different view to be honest but I won't press the matter, i'd just like all this type of discussion to end one way or another.
  9. Never said that on here, wasn't even me that first said it on RM. I'll probably need to give boardroom discussion a miss on here for a while as you said, was a bit annoyed at basically being accused of not being a fan in that other thread though.
  10. The coffee phrase seems to get used every time someone expresses a calmer opinion on all this
  11. Two regular posters on here can say exactly who I am. Sounds like a long winded way of basically saying you think everyone should agree, certainly on this issue anyway.
  12. I've stayed off here for long periods on that sort of basis and probably will again soon but are you basically wanting a place where everyone agrees? It's not like i'm starting Charles Green tribute threads, other people mention him and I just give my own views. But i'm sure i'll drift away again soon.
  13. Is it not worth seeing what cost cutting measures Wallace has decided on at the end of 120 days before deciding a rushed share issue is the only option?
  14. I don't think it's the right route to be going down with our club. I want a change in football management but i'd be as dead set against any initiative to force the club into it as I am this stuff
  15. I'm dead set against holding season ticket money back and demanding Ibrox for it, if King gets his share issue surely that talk would stop?
  16. Do nothing? I'll support my team as we complete our lower league journey.
  17. I think there should be a new share issue but that it's about a year or so too early, it should be just before our top flight return.
  18. So say the board cave in and give King the share issue he wants, people will still be banging on about Ibrox?
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