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Everything posted by simplythebest

  1. http://www.vanguardbears.co.uk/a-shameful-state-of-play.html
  2. Far from my first choice but he's still better than Ally
  3. With a bank running us and a tax case hanging over us, Whyte wouldn't have go near a well run Rangers
  4. King's the one discussing transfer budgets here not about us being 'rescued'.
  5. R.T.I.D NI understands there have been approaches made to use the fighting fund money to finance the legal expenses of anti board factions within the Rangers support. Whilst we appreciate many Rangers fans have varying views on the board and the way our club is being run, we as a group cannot allow money raised here in Ulster to be used, other than for the good of Rangers FC. We take no sides on who is right and wrong on this matter, as we are neutral group with only the best interests of Rangers FC at heart. Many NI Rangers fans have contributed hard earned cash towards preserving and upholding the traditions of Rangers FC and we fully expect any money raised by us to be spent only on the betterment of our club only. We ask that all sides take a step back and stop the bitter in fighting which is embarrassing our club. SIGNED THE COMMITTEE R.T.I.D.NI
  6. Interestingly enough in the stand at Brechin yesterday some guy tried to start a 'if you hate SE clap your hands' chant, hardly anyone joined in.
  7. All that is what we have to expect including the semi-final given the luck of the draw we've had till this stage. We'll see how things are after the two big cup games next month
  8. Question the merits of suing but Houston and Chugg willingly put themselves into the public eye, if his life is really at risk of being ruined then surely it's time to give up.
  9. Not that those folk/groups are connected in any way at all of course. But always better to just engage in discussion surely?
  10. The equivalent to the McCoist stuff would be if people were simply calling the Easdales bad directors, when you get into the territory of accusing people of criminal behaviour without producing evidence to back it up we're talking a different game. Ally would have every right to do the same if posters were accusing him of taking bungs from agents for example. Like I said I'm not backing the action, I'd just rather see what a court decides or if they could reach some sort of agreement.
  11. As per the rules what I said in that one post got removed and I apologised. All I've said that it's between the Easdales and SOS, I don't know Craig Houston and I don't especially care for his group's methods so why should every single fan suddenly be expected to unite behind him like some sort of angry mob? It's not just me I know at least one guy that's said he'll want to look into getting his donation back if the RFFF starts getting used for stuff like this
  12. Did he not win a legal case against those Sheridan claims?
  13. He's got a good track record in one of the toughest leagues about and tries to play good football. Even now he's only left Forest just behind the play offs.
  14. Looks like he's going to be replaced by Neil Warnock at Forest. Wouldn't require any compensation now...
  15. While I wouldn't go as far to say I back them in this it doesn't really influence me either way, it's between them and SOS/Houston.
  16. While I can see where GS is coming from here there's probably some distinction between simply slagging and libel, it's not a pleasant situation but for all we know this is damaging their other business ventures as well.
  17. On the SOS page the Easdales have been called ****s, drug dealers, money launderers etc, from what I gather the moderation hasn't improved much. Perhaps Houston can't be held responsible but surely anyone can understand them not being happy with that sort of stuff flying about?
  18. Lennon is simply a vile human being so stuff like this from him just isn't credible imo
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