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Everything posted by simplythebest

  1. Mather was another '****' people wanted out, trying to make him out to be some sort of victim now seems disingenuous. If Wallace was chased out in that manner however then lets just say i'd be done defending the Easdales
  2. Hutton just isn't good enough for me but if we need to use him due to injuries then fine
  3. I expect a good plan but the same time know it won't be implemented overnight. Personally i'll be gutted if a man of Wallace's stature is chased away by conspiracies and impatience.
  4. Well count me out of rushing to judgement and wanting to chase people out so quickly
  5. Wallace is doing a full review and is relatively new to us, is it impossible that something came up he wasn't expecting? We only learned about a loan with these better terms after the event. While you don't have to start believing all is wonderful everyone wanted this to happen, mediahouse are also gone, Stockbridge went ages ago. Would some slight positivity be too much to ask for?
  6. I'd rather see what the 120 day review has brought up before making these judgements
  7. Well I guess it just goes to show, this regime are damned if they do or don't
  8. The overreaction to a loan to provide us with some extra capital has astounded me, still is.
  9. How? That loan was the best offer at the time nobody has proven otherwise.
  10. They've agreed to cancel it for this better offer that came about after, far as I can see they didn't have to
  11. People wanted this yet the board, Laxey etc will likely still get zero credit. I hope to be proven wrong
  12. Defend Murray if you wish but he didn't give a fuck about us anymore than the ones you moan about now, selling to Whyte proved that once and for all
  13. A man with 7 promotions in English football, 3 of them into the top flight? His personality damages his popularity no doubt and he'd be a short term measure for us at best, but he really isn't that bad a manager
  14. Of course but too much has happened for me to not have some skepticism. As much as I want trophies I don't want us to ever be in a situation of our future being in doubt again, there has to be a sensible plan and balance
  15. Well look where it did get us in the end? I'm not saying we should never spend money and of course we'll need investment for us to compete in the future, but in all cases like this no matter how rich someone apparently is i'll be wanting to scrutinize the overall business plan rather than just getting excited about headlines of millions.
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