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Everything posted by simplythebest

  1. You must be having a laugh, all that was part of keeping our club alive, and the title defence was to keep our history in tact. This is an individual's battle, may be an individual that many agree with but an individual nonetheless. This is as as from what the fund was set up for as you can get.
  2. I may not be a fan of the SOS in general but if people want to set up a fund to help Houston then fine, folk would be contributing knowing exactly what it was for. This is a very very bad move
  3. Disgrace this is getting considered, i'll be looking to get my and my family's donation back. Wasn't an awful lot but it's the principle, this is far far away from what the RFFF was set up for.
  4. Front page, picture of him in a Rangers top and all sorts.
  5. So he could go and buy a season ticket tomorrow then?
  6. I'm certainly anti-fan ownership, the way our fan base has been these past couple of years I find the prospect terrifying.
  7. I'd say now is or was the ideal time to be honest
  8. Well the message was meant to be about Dave King, but then we had sack the board chants being started during it
  9. Well considering I spoke to people around me with the cards who barely knew what it was about...
  10. Season tickets in the Copland, looks like I'll be sitting somewhere else for a change though
  11. Don't matter because they disagree with you? The message behind those displays particularly the last one have been as clear as mud plus people will tend to follow a crowd anyway.
  12. It's because Neil Warnock is an anagram of Colin Wanker
  13. It's not about looking for an Allie I still think King went too far with his initial statement about ST money but he's sounded more grounded and balanced about the whole thing since he came to Scotland. I've always said i'd be happy to see him involved
  14. Irvine's gone so there's one difference already. King said this in his Q&A and it really rang true to me: "Unfortunately, it was reinforced to me in my visit to Scotland that there are a lot of people who are so emotional about this that they almost don't want the board to say everything is okay. They are just ready for the fight. It is a pity if there are people who want to fight no matter what but we must give the board time to come out with the review."
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