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Everything posted by simplythebest

  1. King is assuming it's Irvine, every press story even questioning the likes of King and Paul Murray was getting blamed on Irvine, even RangersMedia as a site was getting accused of being an Irvine tool. Not saying King is lying but if he's not got evidence I won't be getting too worked up about this.
  2. The figures show improvement, it was always going to be gradual rather than overnight. Nothing wrong with asking questions but the constant stream of negativity regardless can get too much.
  3. So his contract is terminated yet it's still not enough? While not a fan of Irvine at all I think many have overestimated the guy.
  4. I see it that way myself but the footballers themselves probably don't
  5. Well it puts his international career at risk and probably made him worse as a player considering what he's got playing around him
  6. I know it for a fact, I don't have figures but it's pretty standard that a free agent will get a larger signing on fee. We managed to pay Goian and Bocanegra for several weeks so i've no reason to believe we couldn't have paid them for a few days before transfers were arranged, even if it required another one of those infamous internal loans. There's no chance they were sticking around for any length of time. Not one of us in my eyes, no true Rangers fan would have backed up the propaganda that was going around then about us being dead, regardless of what a PR company was telling them. Maybe i'm just far less forgiving than some.
  7. They got big fat signing on fees that would have been a fair bit less if they weren't free agents. I never grudged them wanting to not play in the Scottish Lower Leagues, I wouldn't have cared less if they'd TUPE'd and been sold the next day. I wanted the players to honour their contracts, especially at a time where everyone and his granny in Scotland was telling us the club was dead, so even if some did do so because of the wage I don't really hold it against them. Sorry mate but I can't buy that a 25 year old man can be excused from that disgrace simply because of bad advise. I really thought Naismith was one of us so that one probably hurt the most, you're entitled to your opinion but i'm amazed you can hold nothing against him.
  8. He mentioned it suited him to stay because of his new baby etc but not many footballers would make the sacrifice like that, I wouldn't have even grudged us selling him after he TUPE'd but thankfully he wanted to stay the course. Green's in the past, people other than me keep bringing him up
  9. Couldn't see him displacing Black or Law anyway, do we know the extent of Black's injury yet?
  10. May be more possible than you think, at least from a name perspective next seasons league is more interesting
  11. Even nominal fees would have been welcome we had a new company and no league to play in, their agents were negotiating ways out for months so nobody will make me believe quickfire sales wouldn't have been arranged. They shafted us pure and simple, Lee Wallace showed all those so called Rangers fans up. And bringing Green up to somehow discredit every point I make doesn't seem too valid.
  12. Even pretending I agree with all that for a second, you really think McGregor et all were thinking how they were doing us a favour? It was greed and nothing more, Naismith and Whittaker even held a press conference to rub salt into the wound. How anyone could want that wee blonde rat back is beyond me.
  13. I said consider because I know I'd cave in, but as far as I'm concerned that lot shouldn't even be welcomed back to Ibrox as spectators
  14. Bluedell has outlined the problems already, added to us being such a fractured fanbase anyway. Security over loans is standard and it's pretty much happened before with Ticketus etc, plus I don't consider the season ticket money a loan
  15. McGregor and certain others aren't just normal former players in my eyes. I'm not some monster and wish him well from a health perspective, but as far as him being out injured is concerned it's a different matter. I'm not trying to be controversial it's just how badly hurt I was by all that.
  16. Nah it's not, and it's interesting how this was initially meant to be a possibility it the board weren't transparent, but now they want security whatever happens.
  17. For the sake of my future on here no comment Obviously hope his life isn't at risk
  18. How long do we go on worrying that another insolvency event may be around the corner?
  19. We've been buying season tickets for years and this has never been done, why's it going to happen now?
  20. Presumably if this security doesn't get granted the next step is to withhold the money though? I'd think it's easier said than done for the club to actually agree to this.
  21. I think it's going down a dangerous route though, especially when it's money the club really needs.
  22. No interested in gaining from blackmail myself, or i'd demand we change manager in exchange for my money
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