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Everything posted by simplythebest

  1. Not going to argue there mate, first line of the review should be 'we need a new manager'.
  2. Far enough but i'd think once we hear the review work should start right away
  3. Problem is I think there will be so many preconceptions about the review it will never be able to look good to many. I expect a clear plan and vision but at the same time the review won't turn water into wine overnight, there needs to be something of an open mind. McMurdo shouldn't be relevant.
  4. Too late? The renewal deadline isn't until 11 days later, if it was some master plan it was a poor one
  5. The review is finished we're just waiting for the release
  6. Dismissing the 120 review without even seeing a word of it sums up their mentality for me
  7. Should have confirmed earlier I can't make this one, if it goes well it could perhaps become more than annual? Just thinking about the first half of next season.
  8. What have this current board done to suggest that? Wallace has tried to cut costs.
  9. It doesn't guarantee removing the board anymore than it would guarantee removing the manager
  10. I know they are i've been going on a bus most of the year but it even means I can help others out and it guarantees me a ticket when it comes to bigger games like the Ramsdens Final that aren't so easy to come by. The crowds are bad but with the prospect of playing Hearts maybe even Hibs and the final step of the lower league 'journey' more than that will probably get on board, until they watch another couple of games of Ally's football anyway.
  11. And someone takes my seat in the meantime, lose out on away game applications etc. I'm sure you'll reply none of that matters of course
  12. I know in the end I'll renew, I don't especially want to but it's nothing to do with the boardroom.
  13. Horrid leaflet, the comment at the end about people's seats to try and guilt folk into their daft plans the worst
  14. If he does he does, i'm not about to do his work for him though
  15. Fair enough question in principle perhaps but the way these guys go about asking things it's no wonder they won't get responses
  16. Murray returning would certainly further my own doubts about the board, which I already have thanks to the manager situation. My doubts aren't UOF type doubts though.
  17. Doubt I could ever go to these places simply to eat healthily
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