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Everything posted by simplythebest

  1. I'll call him tonight My maw already accuses me of being in love with him after all
  2. I'll be loyally walking past the guy that seems to like hanging outside my loyal turnstile, as usual
  3. You're a smart guy mate if you think Whyte has a credible claim then tell me why it's taking so long for him to even get to the first stage?
  4. They had to mention it legally I suppose, they also signed off the accounts which also blows a hole in the idea all our money is getting stolen.
  5. Even the journalists don't give Whyte's claims much space these days so I can't say i'd thought much about it.
  6. You know my views on that, I stand by them. Are you really giving Whyte's ramblings credibility? He's been shouting about his claims over us for two years now and it's not seen the inside of a courtroom
  7. I'll also note I still blame David Murray for all this. Whyte, administration, SFA and co walking all over us, fans being treated like criminals, McCoist being manager, it all goes back to that man.
  8. I'm not considering it a direct choice between the two, and i'd like to think much bigger plans to overhaul the scouting system are being made than whatever it took to appoint a PR consultant out of the blue. I'd really want to know how much he's on before deciding how good or bad a decision it is. If this review contains no plans about scouting, or if several months down the line there is no movement on scouting, then yes I will be very concerned. I'm not especially worried about next season's signings because I think we should stick with the core of what we have, too much money has been wasted in these lower leagues so we need a year of limited spending, it's still more than enough for promotion. I already have concerns about the board because I really believe they have to consider changing manager for us to have a better chance of getting back where we belong, and i'm worried they're being too weak because of McCoist's legendary status. So yes you're right that football and boardroom decisions intertwine, I am turning more anti-board than I was just not for the '****s out', 'they're stealing all the money' type reasons, and i'm not saying that's you Frankie but it clearly is many. In spite of all that however I just genuinely believe the fans have to stick by it, these individuals come and go they always have. At the risk of sounding sarky because i'm not trying to be, I hope that reply seems genuine enough.
  9. Was that not misrepresenting what I said? And when it comes to some things I am likely talking in a general sense about fans rather than necessarily directing it right at you. The big issue here is me being in a minority of one, if i'm going to be banned for that then not much I can do. Sure plenty on here would celebrate.
  10. Did I say that? I'm simply not going to get hung up on a consultancy appointment who i've got no idea what the wage even is. Thing is if it's more months down the line and we've got little progress on our long term future I'll probably be right behind you in all this, I just think people are jumping to all this far too early.
  11. Is that a rule? I remember Green was barely getting paid anything when he came back as a consultant albeit briefly in the end. I absolutely want scouting to be sorted out but that isn't going to happen without ST money is it, and i'm sure we all accept it wasn't Wallace that spent all the other cash.
  12. When we went into admin we sold out a pretty meaningless league game against Kilmarnock in response. I cannot for the life of me understand how anyone believes the way to deal with concerns about finances is to deny the club/company even more cash.
  13. This is the kind of thing that gets me though, we don't how much the PR guy is one and I believe he's only a consultant anyway? Scouting is something I hope to hear about in the review.
  14. Is it inconsistency? Once upon a time going to matches was all about the football not a boardroom
  15. I wouldn't agree with people trying to get McCoist sacked by withholding money don't get me wrong. But the football is the product that we're buying for and if people give up because they just can't enjoy it any more then I do see that as more valid reasoning. We don't buy season tickets to watch the boardroom perform.
  16. Yes but it obviously has been spent on wages and bills, or we'd have gone bust long ago
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