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Everything posted by simplythebest

  1. It's a contract not a loan, hence why we've never been given security over anything for it, and season tickets have been around since the 80s before I was even born
  2. With all due respect you don't know any of that, a clear option (however unlikely it may be in your opinion) is also for Wallace to start finally running us properly and i'm taking the option of giving him that chance, with my help.
  3. I'll be renewing, football will likely be rotten again but i'm not going to contribute to pushing the club to the brink.
  4. If they were based on financial importance, I thought there was universal agreement that a FD should not have had a bonus based on football?
  5. People are quick enough to blame Green and co for everything yet when Wallace and co do it it's not acceptable? Surely you wouldn't dispute that the costs, contracts, liabilities etc were inherited?
  6. Obviously there was day to day running to deal with, but I can't imagine much long term planning could go on when they might all be out of a job in a month.
  7. Saturday should all be about us uniting and paying tribute to a true Rangers legend nothing more. I wasn't even sure if i'd stay for the trophy presentation because i've been so unhappy with the football but under these circumstances I certainly will be now.
  8. I'd imagine that first month was all about the AGM to be honest. Obviously they'll have to deliver on the content of the review and will be scrutinised on that, but there will need to be a bit of waiting and people will need to make a decision on next season's season tickets either way.
  9. The review has to involve some clear plans and visions I won't be happy myself if it doesn't, but it won't be creating miracles overnight and there will have to be some element of patience.
  10. Sometimes these things can be in the eye of the beholder, and I worry with so many negative perceptions the only way the review could be considered positive would be if it announced the immediete resignation of all the board. But we'll see.
  11. Was hoping it would be postponed, a few days truce on this whole thing would be good under the circumstances. However I guess we'll just have to deal with it
  12. Too young to remember him as a player but I'll never forget his actions during the events of 2012.
  13. Care to provide evidence that Graham Wallace is 'crooked'?
  14. RIP Sandy, has been coming from what i'd heard a few weeks ago, such a horrible disease
  15. I struggle to comprehend it because only you seem to bring it up, the media would be all over it if Whyte was to blame for this. What Green did got Whyte out of the club for good, did that not make it worthwhile? And no i'm not trolling.
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